It's Not A Rock, It's A Sponge

Yet another fantastic weekend with Jeffrey. We have a good system going now. He comes down here every weekend following the 20th of each month and I go up to Coeur d'Alene roughly 10 days later. Hurray! We are proof the long distance CAN work, it may not be ideal, but it is surviving. My sister Natalie and I were talking about this all the other day and she said that there are some positives about a long distance relationship...the best reason she had was that it keeps the romance and fun live. And that is so freaking true. I know that we are going to still be full of romance and have a lot of fun even when he does live down here, but for other people I believe that statement to be true! So if you are in a long disance relationship, it is ok! The romance will be absolutely amazing!
This was my turn to go see him, and and night before I left I could not sleep! Too much excitment going through my body and twitterpating bugs flowing through my veins. Okay now, bed by midnight...and by midnight I actually meant 3 AM. Now I am up by 6 AM, full of energy and I have class to go to still before I can leave. Crap I am going to be freaking jittery and I do not know if I am going to be able to focus in class...Gaa! Jeffrey just texted me, he wants me to leave now...But I have Class...But I wanna see Jeffrey...But you have to get good grade...But I wanna see Jeffrey...Okay you can skip today....No I have to stay and take this quiz. Fine. Fine.
On the road! iPod...Check. Wallet...Check. Clothes...Check. Road Snacks...Check, thanks to Barb the fabulous Chartwells worker :) After a long 7 hours of speeding and reckless driving, I arrive to Jeffrey's apartment moments before he is leaving for work. Thank god I made it. Even though we were only together for 10 minutes, everything felt much better. I was finally with my love, "Sweet Love, Renew Thy Force."
While Jeffrey was at work, Stephanie and I hung out! I was a little hesitant at first, okay okay A LOT. What can I say, she intimidates me, being Jeffrey's best friend and is kind of psycho (but I love that about her). We ended up raiding an arcade an dominating in SkeeBall. Then Dottie got off work and wanted to come hang out with up. Dinner time! Place of choice...Olive Garden. I dunno why, because there is one in Idaho Falls, so it was nothing super special. BUT I wasn't with my Special Someone, so it would suffice. Dinner was hilarious. Being in public with Stephanie = Good Times. Woohoo, Jeffrey is off work! It is about freaking time!
The rest of the weekend goes as follows:
Pick up Jeffrey from work-->Hang out in El Dorado-->Sleep-->Wake Up-->Go To Wallace-->Back Spasms and muscle cramping-->Cry like a baby-->Relax-->Jeffrey goes to work-->Remain Laying Down-->Decide I can move again-->Shopping for a cute shirt for tomorrow (Didn't bring one)-->Fail-->Hang out with Dottie-->Jeffrey is off--> :)-->Go find a house for sale-->Do Jeffrey's laundry in it-->Back to El Dorado-->Sleep-->Wake Up-->Jeffrey is a hair model-->Go to Indian Reservation to the casino-->Wrong casino-->Spokane-->I have to leave :(
That is the watered down version for everyone. Yes it is edited, there was all the cuddle cuddle cuteness, but upon request, I edited.
"I love you." "You love the idea of me."


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