The Historic Shelton

I am so scared, I feel silly. Life is

moving so fast that keeping up is not an option. How do I know everything will work out the way I want it to? I will never know until I try right? But what happens if things go sour and I cannot fix it? Then where will I be?

Jacob!! Stop thinking, you are examining

everything too much. There is no reason for you to be freaking out. Yes there is. You know how I am when it comes to change. I know you are not a huge

fan of sudden change, but it will be good for you. Okay, I guess you are right. But when and how do I bring it up to mom and dad? You got me there

buddy, I cannot tell you that. You just have to play it by ear I guess. What good are you if you cannot help me with the important things?!

Hey now, don't get upset at me. If you would grow up and take responsibility, this wouldn't be so hard. Don't tell me what to do!! You are not even real.

... Hello?


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