Cortizone Cream Will Heal That.

I love Denver. It is one of the friendliest cities I have ever been to. And not friendly like "Heeeeeeeeeeey!!" but friendly like "Go ahead, I'll hold the elevator door for you." I mean of course they are not friendly enough to pick up your camera for you when you drop it and it slids to their feet. They would just watch it happen and tell you that it happened. But it is the thought that counts. Most people in other cities wouldn't even do that. So kudos Denver, you have won my heart back.

Downtown is one of my absolute favorite places in Denver. Seriously, the building are so freaking gorgeous and it is not like Pocatello, beautiful at a distance when you cannot see how dirty it actually is. It is clean and very as in look at those trees AND in the lets-ride-bikes-today way.


You think I am lying... here is proof.

You all owe me $10 for doubting me. Come on, pay up. You can make check out to Jacob Scott Diller. I also take all major credit cards, except Master Card. Sorry for the inconvience.


  1. I totally agree with you Denver is beautiful! We went there this summer and I loved it! We also rode that train into denver every day because my Aunt and Uncle live an hour south of Denver it got kind of lame after awhile but we always enjoyed walking around downtown so fun!!


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