He Took The Midnight Train Goin' Anywhere.

Happy 21st Birthday to me! Hurray, I can now purchase alcohol. Although I really do not intend to make any purchases. Made it to Denver! And boy was it a disaster. Let me bring you up to date with everything that went down.

-Saturday November 20th-
Wake up finally get ready for the day, still not packed. Take Jeffrey to work becuase we plan on me just picking him up from work and then head out of town immediately. All plans go great. Jeffrey is off work, we are on the road within 10 minutes. We have a great ride to Utah. We talk about everything. Work. Our future family. Cars. Gossip a little. School. Music. Everything. We have tense moments, funny moments, sad moments, cute moments, we have moments. Hunger sneaks its way into Jeffrey. We decide to stop at Cracker Barrel in Layton, UT. Dinner was delicious. Now I cannot remember exactly what we were laughing at and all I DO remember is __________ Pastures... Not quite sure, maybe Jeffrey remembers, but it was hilarious. Birthday was going great, until we get back on the interstate. All the sudden my car starts chugging. Immediately I knew my car was not going to make it. We get on the Legacy highway, and make it to exit 23A...that is ONE, 1, Eins, Uno, One exit away from the airport, and my car quits. As you all can imagine I am in a state of panic. I must to at the airport in 30 minutes, how is Jeffrey going to get home? Call Tiffany Craddock, thank god for her. She saved my life. Long story short, I make it to the airport, get Jeffrey a bus ticket back to Poky and take off an hour later.

Land in Denver, CO 1 hour and 19 minutes later. Natalie does not recognize me. Haha. It is okay, she thought I was Tyler, our brother. We waste no time in catching up. Talk, talk, talk. It is now time to go out on the town and celebrate!!! We go to a piano bar, Sing Sing and start the night! How flipping fun! We were dancing, singing and just enjoying ourselves. We make some great friends, Lorie and some other girl from Wisconsin...

Had such a blast! We danced the night away. Already it is time to leave and head home (2:30 am). Did I mention we took the train into the city and Sing Sing was some 10 blocks away from the train station? Guess not. Well we ended up taking a carriage pulled by a bike to the station because there was no way we would make it before the last train left...The guys that pull the carriages must have awesome legs...

Get to the train station, we have some time before the train comes, haha and we were worried about not making it in time. We are chilling on a bench next to a box of tacos and a lovely girl, Amanda, comes over and askes to cuddle with us...she had every right to ask, some people do not realize that it is WINTER and little dresses will not cut it. But she was friendly and made for good company while waiting for the train.

Just gotta say we are awesome at making new friends!! Huzzah for being fabulous.


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