
How lucky am I? I have everything in life I could imagine having at this time. I have a car to get me places I need to go. I have a roof over my head, although it may not be the best, it works. I have 16 years of schooling behind me and 21 years of gained knowledge. I have all the material posessions I could even think of owning. I have the greatest man in my life who cares for me more than anyone could possibly care. I have friends. Actual friends. I have a job that allows me to afford the things I need and want. I have family members that love me. I have more than I could ever want.

Jeffrey has been so good to me. I dunno how he puts up with all my crazy OCDness. He never says a thing about me having to have the bed made before I get in it. He does the laundry all the time. I hate doing laundry and I am so glad he does it haha. He has even done the dishes when I cannot get around to them. I come home from work at night to find the house in order. It is the best feeling coming home and not stumbling over things on my way to the bedroom. He makes me dinner. Somehow he knows exactly what to do or say to make me light up and lose myself. Yet I do absolutely nothing for him. I get too caught up in my schooling and work that I don't do the laundry, the dishes, or make dinner and he STILL loves me and does not complain about a single thing. It amazes me that I am lucky enough to have him. Thank you Jeffrey. I love you.

Oh my lordy!! I am going to wack off the legs of Connie. I swear I have never heard a floor squeak so much in my life!! Between her elephanting around and the clock ticking in the livingroom, I might go insane. Be grateful...be grateful...be grateful...


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