New Adventures In The Safari Zone.

What a week this has been. Beginning with a terrible trip to SLC, breaking and emotionally. Then the week seemed to do a complete 360 and everything was better. Denver sure did me a lot of good. Getting away from Pocatello was probably one of the best things that has happened. I missed Jeffrey like none other. It didn't help that his phone charger was left in my car as it sits on the corner of Redwood and 900 North, Salt Lake City, Utah. The only means of communication was Facebook, and the two of us are never online at the same time. So we communicated via messages. Finally, the day before Thanksgiving, Jeffrey was visiting his mom and used her phone to call me. Thank God. I had been waiting for that call for the entire week. It was amazing to hear his voice again.

Every day we went out shopping...and by us, I mean Natalie, Bean, Jordyn and I, of course becuase you all know who I was with. ha ha. We never went to the same mall twice. It was amazing. And I have found a new favorite place to shop... The Container Store!!! According to Natalie, the store will be filled with a bunch of OCD people! haha I can see why. It was the most organized store I have ever seen. But at the same time it was the most amazing sight I have ever seen.

Needless to say, Denver was super awesome!! I had the best birthday, and the best Thanksgiving. Complete with Rocky Horror Picture Show and a questionably gay friend of my brother-in-law.

On my plane from Denver to Salt Lake I met one of the coolest strangers I have talked to in the longest time. Her name is Elizabeth and she has her Master's degree in something to do with the World Health Organization. She has lived in the Middle East and is planning on moving to India to work with a city and bring its health up and help the educational system. Now some of you may think that this is just another way the US Government tries get involved, but will inevitably make things worse...well you are wrong. She works for a Non-Profit group that actually pays for 100's of young adults to go to college...and when these people graduate from college the come back to the city and share what they have learned. What a great way to help improve living in poor countries. We ended up talking the whole way to SLC. It was definitely refreshing to have a conversation with someone that actually cares about all the people of the world.

Getting to the Denver Airport was no problem, the problem was getting back to Pocatello from the SLC airport. I totally forgot that I did not have a car with I had to take the Salt Lake Express home. And that wouldnt have been as bad if I had been able to get on to the Six o'clock bus, instead I had to get on the 8:30 bus. I would have made it home so much earlier, but I had to wait for my luggage at the baggage claim. Lame. But It was okay. I finally made it back to Pocatello...thank God. I am so happy to be home. It was so great to see Jeffrey waiting to pick me up at the bus stop. Just being with him made me glow. Too bad the glow had to end the next morning...with work. Gross. I have to work a double today...12 hours. I hardly get to spend time with Jeffrey before I have to go back to school. We all know he will be asleep when I get home from work. Hopefully I will be able to spend all Sunday with him.

Looks like it is back to work in a little bit. Gross. At least there is Apple Pie at work...need some source of happiness...well sorta...I probably shouldn't...I mean I am getting a woman's figure.


  1. I'm super happy you had a good time. I'm a little worried about this no charger for your phone thing. How are we suppose to find a time for you to pick up your present. Not that it is much, you might even tell me it's ugly and you don't want it...but you should at least see it before you tell me I have no taste...How am I ever to get it to you...but I'm so glad the trip did you good. More importantly I'm glad you and Jeffery found a way to talk to each other.


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