I Want To Hold Your Hand.

SO, news on the Duvet Bedspread Cover... to be exact it is the Citron Garden Mini Duvet Cover Set By Urban. To see what all the hull-a-baloo is about, copy and paste this link into your web browser ---> http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/product.asp?SKU=122046

I go back into Bed, Bath and Beyond today to take matters into my own hands. I go back to get the Duvet Cover Set, AND it is no longer there. What? Yes they MOVED it to where it SHOULD be. Haha, it made me laugh. And above where it used to be, there was a sticker that said "MOVE OVER NIGHT!" Ha. That makes me feel good actually. I caused such a scene that they actually took care of their mistake. Well I go to purchase the cover set, and tell my story...Scoring 20% off my purchase, bring my total down to what the price would have been if it was on clearance...yes I double checked all the math and that is correct.

NOW to get the whole collection for that price. Here is what needs to happen. I need 4 people to go to bedbathandbeyond.com and on the top of the screen click on E-mail sign up. Sign up for the email. Then go to your email and print off the coupon. Then, whom ever does it, will go to Bed Bath and Beyond with me, and we will use the delightful 20% off coupon on one of the items in the collection. Cheating? I don't think so. I think of it as peoples own way of helping me make my apartment mine. I am going to get as much out of this place as I can. I WANT that cover set...pillows and all.

On a brighter and more "Jacob" note, I went to the park today and it was super amazing. I love being outside and to make it all better, I played on the swings.
It was absolutely one of the greatest moments. I was sure I was going to spew all over the place, but I was able to keep my oatmeal and apple down. ha. Today, I realized that I walk MUCH faster than most people. And it is starting to bother me. I hate feeling like I am walking alone and trying to hold a decent conversation is practically impractical. There is no facial communication happening, no way to take nonverbal cues. Just a mess. Do I need to slow down? Or do people just have to pick up the pace a little?


  1. You need to slow down. But frankly I'm really good at reminding you I'm slow as frozen honey so you usually do...lol

  2. Steven and I just had a conference. We both have trouble keeping up with you. A 30 inch inseam and a 34 inch inseam...you're too fast! Walking a few clicks slower ain't gonna kill your metabolism.

  3. People around here walk way too slow! You are interesting enough, that they should speed up to hear the wise and witty things that proceed from your mouth. People need to stop lollygagging around.


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