Don't Be Like That Husband.

It is so interesting to stop and actually look at life. Some things are so ridiculous, yet so controlling. For example, traffic lights. They are something created by man. Cannot think, breathe, hold emotion. It is a non-living object. BUT it controls so much of our lives. It controls several actions we perform in a vehicle. The traffic light tells us when we can continue driving, it tells us when we need to be cautious and it tells us when we are forbidden to pass. How ridiculous is it that we allow such an object to tell us what we can and cannot do? We put ourselves at the mercy of a box of electrical wire and three differently colored light bulbs.

I often find myself getting jealous that Life itself does not have a traffic light to help me do the right thing. Why is there no signal to just tell me what I am doing or thinking of doing is a No-no? There is no 'Forbidden' or 'Stop' light. No 'Approach-With-Caution' light. And definitely no 'Go-For-It' light. Instead I have to rely on intuition and advice. I find myself getting more and more confused at what I should do. I never get the advice I want to receive. People say follow your heart, but what if my heart is just naive and doesn't know what it is doing? Should I allow myself to be at the mercy of my heart and be subject to a world of pain? Or should I listen to others around me, for 'they know best' and 'have my best interest at heart.'

My heart is saying, 'GO! Go get what you want.' 'The price doesn't matter.' 'Money is only a staple for material possessions.' 'Just do it.' 'You'll regret it if you don't go.' WHILE on the other hand, by brain is saying, "Don't do it." "You know what the outcome could be." "You have spent to much time becoming financially stable again to just blow it all." "You have far too much to lose." "Nothing has changed."

Where do I draw the line and tell either heart or brain one is wrong and the other is right?

Funny, Money is yet another lifeless object that unfortunately controls EVERY aspect of life. What a shame we live in a world where we have to subject ourselves to such tyranny.


  1. Personally I think lifeless objects have life and are just mean and vindictive. Have you ever noticed how a light will be green for like three miles ahead of you and the moment you get there it turns red? I think it sits there waiting to mess with people. Also money...have you ever noticed how you count it and then you go to spend it and amazingly enough your like a dollar short so you don't buy whatever and the moment you get out of the store the dollar is back. I think it hides. These objects I'm sure are going to take over the world they are just waiting until we aren't watching. This is not paranoia it's observation. :)


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