Just Sit With Me.

First thing is first... what the heck is with the photo of Natalie? Well I have a new obession, Pinterest.com and I wanted to Pin a photo of Natalie so her friend Tessa could repin it on her "Things I Miss" board... and you cannot Pin photos of people from facebook or even google image search, so I thought of the next best thing...Pin the photo from my blog. Explanation complete.

Secondly, my laptop battery is officially on the rocks. I am afraid I am going to have to keep my laptop on Life Support.

Thirdly, I am grateful to be in the family I was born in.
Lately I have been following a particular person on facebook...mainly because I was on this individuals page one day and I saw a few comments that this individuals mother wrote and it really got me to thinking. I have never been in the kind of situation with my mother that this person is. Yes, at times I get super frustrated and upset with my mom, but she definitely feels the same way about me, but everything she says to me is out of love.

One particular comment this mother posted really stuck out to me:
"No...I DO know what [my child] is doing away from home and I know my [child] better than anyone else does. I also love my [child] more than anyone else does. I don't want my [child] getting hurt or end up back in the same place [they] ended up last time... this is a continuous circle that [my child] goes through.I know my [child] has GOOD FRIENDS out there that would agree....encouraging [my child] to continue in this path is only going to cause [them] a LOT of heartache and pain. I am the one there for [my child] EVERY TIME picking up the pieces. If u r the kind of friend that u think u r....show it! Encourage [my child] to follow the counsel of [their] mother. That is a TRUE friend."

Now I know this may be a little extreme but she is right. A mother really does know their child best, and has their best interest at heart. I was so impressed by how much she cared about her child and really wanted the best outcome. BUT the thing that really has been bothering me is a post this person put on their mother's facebook page...

Im not coming over today. i dont want to c u or [my sister] nor do i miss you enough to stop by.

Never have I felt so sick while reading something. It made me cry when I saw this. And it is silly because I do not really know either of these individuals that are involved in this post, but it just breaks my heart to see such an simple yet awful statement. What pushes someone to say something so hurtful? Yes, there are times I don't want to see my mother because I am so frustrated, but verbalize it and make it so public just sickens me. It makes me feel bad for this individual. It hurt my feelings to see this.

I dunno why I was so affected by this post, but it made me appreciate my mom a lot more. Appreciate the way she handled me coming out, and recent life decisions I have made. At the time, it seemed like I was being driven through Hell with how she reacted to a lot of things, but really, she could have acted so much worse. I am just grateful that that part of my life is over.

That stage has been complete.


  1. I feel sad inside for all the people involved in that situation. I feel sad that the mother and child both felt the need to put such problems public where they can't be taken back. I feel sad that the mother is frustrated but also sad that she's using facebook as a way of publicly scolding her child's actions and I feel bad that the child feels like they don't want to go back. You're right you are very lucky to have the mom you do. Everyone gets frustrated with their mom but at the end of the day your mom loves you.

  2. That's so sad :(
    I love my mom! :)


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