
Showing posts from November, 2011

Boring Toast, Getting A Make Over.

I knew people were mean but I didn't realize how mean people can be. Last night I was just walking to Charley's to celebrate a friends birthday and do some dancing, nothing out of the ordinary. I am just about there, and I get water ballooned, and called a fag. I know there are some people out there that are completely ignorant, and normally it doesn't bother me. I've heard the words, I've seen the looks, I get it. But what makes people wanna do stuff like that? Are people really THAT threatened by Gays, that they have to do stupid little antics to make them feel better about themselves? What will the accomplish by throwing water balloons at people? The words I can handle, but when it comes to someone taking action and being so cruel, I have a hard time not taking it personal. It is amazing how one person has the ability to undo all the support and comfort that so many people help build. So much for feeling confident and accepted. (Yes, that's a little dramatic

Heroes Leap Into The Jungle.

BREAK!! Never have I needed a break from school like this Thanksgiving Break. I know I say this every semester, but this has been one of the hardest semesters yet. It seems as if it get harder and harder every semester. You'd think I would get used to the work load, but some days I cannot handle it. On a better note, my birthday was amazing. I am so glad to have to friends that I do. It was a lovely evening out dancing and celebrating. It was nearly everything I wanted. I would have loved to have a few certain people there, but there were several reasons why they didn't attend. Different states, Underage, sickness, and of course work. Nonetheless, I had such a wonderful birthday. I haven't felt as loved as I was for a really long time. Thank you Desiree, Jodi, Katy, Robyn, Johnathon, Brad, Jennifer, Damian, Jeremy, Tiffany, Justin, Kevin, Mary, Denise, Vianca, Joey, Casey, Jay, Joel, and Joy. It is now time for the laziest, yet more productive break ever.

It Would Be A Good Elective.

Regarding last post: That little poem was from my special friend, Marshall. I didn't realize how much he has taught me and how much I already miss him. I thought I was ready to be finished teaching him, but that little guy is so awesome. This last Tuesday was the very last time I taught Marshall. I have never seen a little child so excited to see me, even out of my own nieces and nephews. The very second it was 1:00, Marshall is at my classroom door waiting to come in and learn. He has the cutest smile and the cheeriest disposition. Since Tuesday was out last day together, we decided that we would have a fun day. We did all of his favorite activities. He would read to me, and I would read to him. Sang a couple of songs, and played twister...Marshall's favorite game. His favorite..."head on stop sign, now fall!!" When our time was up, he was getting ready to go back to class and handed me the simplest, and most meaningful card. "Give Me Time" a little prayer

It's So Hard To Prioritize.

Give Me Time Time for patience for understanding, too Time to remember thoughtful deeds to do Time to believe in all fellow men Time to perceive the value of a friend Thank you for reading books with me, Playing games with me, helping me make a video, playing twister, and being so fun. Your special friend, Marshall Hill

Herpes And Hotdogs!

Huzzah! Once again using the internet...FO' FREE! I Love it when I can hack into someone's internet...dishonest..maybe a little, but they should really make up a more difficult password than 12345 I mean seriously...anyone that makes that their password deserves to get hacked. On that note, I just realized how much I love having a clean apartment :D It makes me feel so good. Something about knowing that everything is in it's place and clean make makes me smile. Although now that my apartment is spotless, I have nothing to do. This is my last week teaching Marshall which I am indifferent about. I did enjoy the time I had with him, but at the same time, I do not have enough patience to continue. It was a great learning experience, but I am ready to have my Tuesdays and Thursdays back.

Starbucks Mocha Frap.

Let's get real, I am really excited for my birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas. This year I have decided to treat myself to an actual birthday. Last year was absolutely amazing, and I couldn't have possibly spent it any better way. But this year I am going to give myself an actual birthday. Good thing that this year it falls on a Sunday so I can wake up, make myself a birthday breakfast, and spend the whole day pampering myself :) I have already bought myself the best birthday presents, just gotta wrap them now. It is going to be my birthday, and only MY birthday. I am not sharing with anyone this year...not my dad...not my niece...not my other niece...not any other birthday. Selfish, yes. But I think it is time to have a birthday to myself. Thanksgiving is always a good holiday. I am thinking of actually making something. Ha ha. Christmas. I am just excited for everyone to be nice. Everyone is just nicer once Halloween is over. People start having hearts again. (I

Roman Demigod? Cute?

Nuff Said.

Ruining A Balloon.

Doing much better today, thanks for asking :) Last time I was having an evening that was not as delightful as I would have hoped. All is well, now. I am over the whole idea of "Pairing Up" for the winter. Although it would be nice to have another warm body to snuggle up next to on the cold evenings. I have found that laying along side a pillow is...almost...just as good. Except I have no choice BUT to be the big spoon, and we all know how much I HATE being the big spoon...well, I actually hate spooning all together Ha ha I would rather snuggle up to my guy and lay my head on his chest while his arms wraps around my shoulders. Simple, yet comfy. Wait, that is now what this post is about. Back on track, although there really is no specific topic today. I am not turning into one of those I'm-lonely-bitch-whine-bitch-whine-let's-only-talk-about-my-problems-bitch-whine-bitch-moan-life-is-so-hard-sob-sob-whine people. Life is too wonderful to be complaining all the time. So