Boring Toast, Getting A Make Over.
I knew people were mean but I didn't realize how mean people can be. Last night I was just walking to Charley's to celebrate a friends birthday and do some dancing, nothing out of the ordinary. I am just about there, and I get water ballooned, and called a fag. I know there are some people out there that are completely ignorant, and normally it doesn't bother me. I've heard the words, I've seen the looks, I get it. But what makes people wanna do stuff like that? Are people really THAT threatened by Gays, that they have to do stupid little antics to make them feel better about themselves? What will the accomplish by throwing water balloons at people? The words I can handle, but when it comes to someone taking action and being so cruel, I have a hard time not taking it personal. It is amazing how one person has the ability to undo all the support and comfort that so many people help build. So much for feeling confident and accepted. (Yes, that's a little dramatic...