Starbucks Mocha Frap.

Let's get real, I am really excited for my birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
This year I have decided to treat myself to an actual birthday. Last year was
absolutely amazing, and I couldn't have possibly spent it any better way. But
this year I am going to give myself an actual birthday. Good thing that this year
it falls on a Sunday so I can wake up, make myself a birthday breakfast, and
spend the whole day pampering myself :) I have already bought myself the best
birthday presents, just gotta wrap them now. It is going to be my birthday, and only
MY birthday. I am not sharing with anyone this year...not my dad...not my niece...not
my other niece...not any other birthday. Selfish, yes. But I think it is time
to have a birthday to myself.

Thanksgiving is always a good holiday. I am thinking of actually making something.
Ha ha.

Christmas. I am just excited for everyone to be nice. Everyone is just nicer once
Halloween is over. People start having hearts again. (I know you're now thinking
that I need to get a heart because of my selfish birthday comment before) The snow..
eh, I don't mind it now. It is time for the snow. I am just obsessing with the Christmas
music and cannot wait to decorate my apartment, and get a tree. I am just far too

Yes, Thanksgiving is more important that just 2 sentences, but my mind isn't on you just have to wait for more on that holiday.


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