Boring Toast, Getting A Make Over.

I knew people were mean but I didn't realize how mean people can be. Last night I was just walking to Charley's to celebrate a friends birthday and do some dancing, nothing out of the ordinary. I am just about there, and I get water ballooned, and called a fag. I know there are some people out there that are completely ignorant, and normally it doesn't bother me. I've heard the words, I've seen the looks, I get it. But what makes people wanna do stuff like that? Are people really THAT threatened by Gays, that they have to do stupid little antics to make them feel better about themselves? What will the accomplish by throwing water balloons at people? The words I can handle, but when it comes to someone taking action and being so cruel, I have a hard time not taking it personal.

It is amazing how one person has the ability to undo all the support and comfort that so many people help build. So much for feeling confident and accepted. (Yes, that's a little dramatic and extreme, but it happens.)

"and im glad it was only water cause i hate when im not there to back you up"

In response, Thank you. This is the second time something like this has happened to me, and each time it made put me in such an angry and hurt place. You made me feel so much better last night. I'm STILL new to a lot of things about the Gay world, and it really helps having you guide me and be there for me along the way. I Love and cherish you. You are kind, intelligent, and so important to me.


  1. Damn..I am so sorry Jake that happened to you. You be who you are and don't let anyone change or bring you down. They will get thiers in the end.

  2. This was actually a little shocking to me. I'm appalled that people would dare think that they have that kind of superiority. And why is it alright to abuse someone for their sexual orientation when it's not alright to abuse someone for their race or religion or political views?! It's all the same.You don't deserve that, Jacob.

  3. Courage, Mr. Diller. You're not alone. As dysfunctional as we are, your gay family will always be there to lift you back up.

    Those people might have made you feel vulnerable. However, remember that their actions speak of their fear of you. In reality, YOU have the power! The best way to fight hatred is with love. Don't let those people make you lose your love and you'll not only have the power, you'll be the winner.

  4. I am with Arielle, it is completely shocking to me that people would even think of doing something like that. They are completely ignorant and apparently have never met you because then they would know that you are the most kind, funny, amazing Jakeup Diller that I love!

  5. People always fear things they don't understand. I am so sorry that people have to be so stupid and ignorant. I think you're a pretty spectacular person and anyone that hurts you will definitely have the Brittany Monster to deal with! HUGS!


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