When I Saw Your Smile :)

Sometimes I look at myself and think "Is there any way I could be any more messed up?" And then I look at the other gays here in town, and I realize how normal I am. And what a blessing it is to know that I am not nearly as crazy or as big of a mess as half of the community.

I may have mommy issues every now and again, but nothing like I have been seeing all over facebook lately.
Exhibit A:
MOM-You've been invited here but...can't make you do anything you don't want to do.
SON-I dont want to go after reading urs and kevens convo on chat.
MOM-Okay. Fine. It's just fine. But I'll just say this. You need to get over
yourself. Uninvite yourself it you want to, and be alone for Christmas. Just
whatever! Truth hurts, doesn't it. Well truth doesn't hurt NEAR what lies hurt.
SON-Ya. It hurts. I can play this stupid game mom.
MOM-I don't play games. Goodnight, ________. It's bedtime for me.
MOM-Good. Me too. ♥
MOM-I understand.

Seriously? This is a little ridiculous. The next thing you know they are unfriending or blocking each other, ON FACEBOOK...It is a social N-E-T-W-O-R-K-I-N-G site, not a family drama site.

Then there are the gays that need DAILY reminders of how much they are loved...
Exhibit B.
"Like my status if you think I'm a good friend! :) lol"
"Comment on my status if you have something nice to say about myself! :) I need the
lovin right now! :))"
"Like my status if you support my sexuality! :)"
"Who loves me...? I need to know so I feel better about myself! Asshole people that
don't know anything!!!"

I am all for supporting the Homos, but really? Maybe instead of searching for other people that are comfortable with your sexuality, you should become comfortable with it first, because it is slightly obvious that you are seeking the approval of other people so you can feel good about it.

The gays that believe sex is the answer to everything.

Exhibit C.
(WARNING-inappropriate content if you wish to not read please skip to the *asterisk*)

GB-Don't wanna sound like a whore but r u dtf tomorrow?
Me-Ha ha we are both tops
GB-Please I need fun like now and ur Vers plus I haven't lost my bottom v yet
Me-as much as I want to have sex with you, i don't think it is a good idea. I started
to like you, but you messed with me and now i know it's just cause youre horny.
GB-Not at first it wasn't. My friend just killed himself and idk how to cope besides
Me-Having sex won't help you cope.
GB-It helped last time.
Me-What happens if you don't get sex?
GB-I spend a lot of time alone and cry a lot. It sucks.
Me-I think that is a ton healthier than mindless sex. If you need someone to listen
or just hang out, I'm all game. But ______ having sex with you will not do either
of us any good.
GB-Well, I see. Whatever, it's nice to know that you have my back. night.

Okay now things are starting to get pathetic. Getting mad at me because I will not have sex with you? EVEN more sad, you believe that having sex with anyone will make you feel better...what about dealing with the actual problem?

***Wow, after seeing things like these happen to several fellow gays, I realize that I lead a very, very normal and well-rounded life.

On a happier note, I aced this semester! A's all across the board, with one A-. Gosh I am too smart for my own good.


  1. oh my hell... these interactions are freaking ridiculous. points for sanity.

  2. I don't even know what to say about this...seriously. Who puts stuff like that on facebook. Shouldn't the family hate conversations be like, I don't know, private things? And the second conversation I agree with the above statement...freaking ridiculous.

  3. I've never understood the whole "sex to cope" nonsense. It just doesn't make any sense. It may feel good in the heat of the moment, but Eventually that sweat is gonna dry, and they'll still just feel like shit. People are crazy!


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