The Further From My Level.

Getting ready for this semester to be over. . . Let me rephrase that, I'm ready for this semester to be over. I dunno if I can say that enough. Although I want the semester to be over, I don't want my need to go to campus to be over. That is the only interaction with people that I get, other than Deleta and children. Ya I know, I am getting lonely again. It's terrible because I realize that I am lonely, but I can't do much about it at the moment. It always happens around finals week, which is terrible because I WANT social interaction, but I NEED to stay in and study.

As of late, I just want to have someone here with me. I am done wanting a boyfriend, or semi-romantic partner, I just want a friend. A friend to sit with and just talk about everything. This time a genuine friend. The recent friends I have been making seem to only want one thing. . . We hang out once and they automatically think that I wanna make out with them. No. I actually don't. I would like to, you know, be friends. But that isn't an option. When I tell them that I am just looking for a friend, they get all butt hurt and then don't want to even be a friend. It's getting really old and irritating. Gay boys are the worst. Ugh, I am so over trying to be friends. (See there I go, giving up on trying to be friends. . . I probably should have the right to complain about not having friends if I give up that easily.)

To be the icing on the cupcake, my car is starting to act up again. I am terrified that it is gonna be the transmission or something super super critical. I am praying to the Jesus Smolder Candle that my car just needs an oil change and it will stop acting up.

(God, when did my blogs become so stupid and whinney?)


  1. I'm sorry Jake. I know what it feels like to be lonely. I really do. I wish I could make it better for you but I've found that I can be even lonelier in a room full of people. Just know that you are awesome and loved by friends.

  2. I may not be a gay boy...or even in Pocatello, but you can call me any time! I would love to talk to you about anything and everything. And I promise not to think that you want to make out with me.

  3. Husband! No emo-ness! Once I'm done with finals and juries we can continue talking about everything from grooming of the nether regions to poetry of Friedrich Rückert xD
    ...and since we are both contentedly friend-zoned, you need not worry about me hounding for your cat xP


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