
Showing posts from August, 2010

Items 11-15

Dear readers and future birthday gift givers, I apologize, I am 9 days past due for a new list of the next 5 items. Mind you that school has started and I am fantastically busy. 11. Amazingly soft slip on slippers. 12. Chaise Lounge Sofa 13. Black and Decker Rice Steamer...Available at Sears 14. Square Bookshelves 15. This Is Not A Book by Keri Smith Once again, I apologize for not having this up on time...wait no I am not sorry. Life happens. Just for your information, I have already purchase a couple of Fedoras...but you are still more than welcome to get me on. I have a black/blue one and a black/white one. I also look good in greens, reds and browns. Now I need to get back to my delicious Chicken Caesar Salad I just made.

Aries And Scorpio.

Good morning!! Yes it is a good morning! I just finished my morning workout. With my crazy schedule I cannot workout everyday like I did for the summer but I have devised a plan that will still allow me to do that. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I do not have class until 11 so I will be waking up at 6:45 AM to workout and on Tuesday and Thursday I have class at 8:00 AM so I will get to do my workouts in the evening! Yay! Today is going to be a good day. I am blogging from the bathroom! Hurray for doodie blogging :) I would add a photo but I assume no one would want a photo of me chilling out on the toilet! I never realized how amazingly peaceful the bathroom is. No one will bother me in here and the second the door shuts the outside world vanishes. Did the choir Audition (AKA make a fool of myself just to make Dr. A laugh) and it went surprisingly well. I did not change keys on America The Beautiful, my sight reading has improved dramatically, and rhythm...haha that is another story.

Make Any New Friends?

Day one of school...done. I feel so unprepared for this semester. If getting the rest of my books the day before classes start is not a sign that I am not ready, I don't know what is. It is going to be a good year, I keep telling myself. Isn't it, if I tell myself that I am going to do great..I will. The Little Engine That Could is my rolemodel right now...I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. Professor Wong, Child Development, is an interesting character. First thought of the morning, "I wonder how on earth I am going to be able to understand a foreign professor at 8 in the morning?!" I enter the lecture hall to the soothing sounds of Chinese Tranquility. My professor must become one with herself before the class begins. What a great way to put the class to sleep before lecture even starts. To my surprise Prof. Wong can speak English very well, better than most of the people born and raised here. Class proves to be somewhat interesting. I think I can, I think

Dude, Chill Out.

Sheesh, when one aspect of life is amazing, another is dwindling. Tidbits from a letter I wrote to a (dunno if we still are) friend. "You said that you feel like you lost me forever. You sorta did and it is not just because of fate. If you really wanted to keep me around you would have." "I think I was and am too intense for you." "I am not the same old Jake from high school like you said, and I dont ever want to be there again. I always made good friendships, but they never last because of the Back Burner Effect. It happened with you. You moved out and I immediately was taken off the stove, no back burner." "[...] I did my part, got you out of your shell, you started making more friends and you no longer needed me." Am I being too dramatic? Too harsh at times? Is it a bad thing to get what I feel out? I mean in the last letter I wrote to someone, things couldn't have turned out's all because I said what I was feeling. WANTED

Do You Have A Point?

super twitterpated. daffodils and daisies. slightly annoyed with a few people. zack, taylor and margret have met their match. spring 2012, california and tucson. i wanna be a housewife, what's so wrong with that? hands, natural body fragance, fohawk, techno, architecture. :)


Remember that time I wrote a letter to my special someone and was sorta afraid? I vaugely remember it, but I just got the results. Yes that is right!? Don't we make the cutest couple? There really is not a lot to say about it but I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY! Yes we are facebook official, Now that is SERIOUS CHIZZ! If you wanna know more and details, you are more than welcome to take me out to lunch :)

The Truth Shall Be Known

Regrets. We all have them whether or not we want to. Why do we regret things? I know why I regret the things that I do regret. 1. It was stupid and I would have never done it if my friends weren't around. 2. It seemed like a good thing last night at 3 in the morning. 3. You pissed me off. 4. I obviously was not thinking rationally. 5. I am afriad. Today I told the one person that I care for more than anyone the way I feel. Here are a couple excerpts from the letter and I will let you decide if I should regret the things I said. "...I have never been so happy to talk to someone and when I am talking to you I don't want it to stop. You can probably tell that I try desperately to keep the conversation going..." "...I look at you and see nothing less than acceptance..." "...I know you are probably joking when we talk about planning our marriage or me moving to Tucson with you...there is a part of me that can see those things actually happening..." &quo

Clapping With Phones In Hands.. Doesn't Work.

10 days has past!! Tis now time for another segment of GET JAKE SOME SHIT! 6. Will & Grace Seasons 1-8 ( Ps. there is a box set at Walmart.) 7. iPod Touch 8. White Bath Robe 9. Hot Hats...Fedora 10. Jay Brannan CD As always thanks for reading and I also accept cash, cards and checks.

Haha Youre Cute.

BEFORE AFTER Yep everyone, I did it. I chopped off all my hair! What a freaky thing. I never though I would ever part from the lucious curls and bangin volume. I am in love with my hair. I forgot what it felt like to have hair that would stay in place while riding my bike, or while running. It definately makes things a lot cooler as well. The weirdest thing is, everyone tells me I look like my brother. WHAT?! I have never looked like anyone in my family and now that I cut my hair, I look just like Tyler. How weird is that? I don't like it. Althouh, I have been called Studly :)