The Truth Shall Be Known

Regrets. We all have them whether or not we want to. Why do we regret things? I know why I regret the things that I do regret.

1. It was stupid and I would have never done it if my friends weren't around.
2. It seemed like a good thing last night at 3 in the morning.
3. You pissed me off.
4. I obviously was not thinking rationally.
5. I am afriad.

Today I told the one person that I care for more than anyone the way I feel. Here are a couple excerpts from the letter and I will let you decide if I should regret the things I said.

"...I have never been so happy to talk to someone and when I am talking to you I don't want it to stop. You can probably tell that I try desperately to keep the conversation going..."

"...I look at you and see nothing less than acceptance..."

"...I know you are probably joking when we talk about planning our marriage or me moving to Tucson with you...there is a part of me that can see those things actually happening..."

"...I am constantly thinking about you, whether or not you had a good day, if you are happy or sad, what you are up to at the moment, if you are ever thinking of me..."

"...I just want to know if I am daydreaming or if I am actually making steps toward a potential something with you..."

These of course are only a couple of the things said in the letter. I dunno why I wanted to write this letter today AND SEND IT, but I did. Immediately I began to regret sending it, thinking that it may ruin a friendship or make me the next big joke. Maybe things were just fine without me saying what I did, or maybe this will make things better, OR even make thing worse.

Talking with my friend Cam, I told her about it all and allowed her to read the letter. I told her of how I was starting to regret writing the letter, and she told me this, "Well try to hope for the best because it is already done!" And she is right. Why did I write it in the first place? I wrote it because I wanted to tell this person how I felt. Why should I regret something I wanted to do so bad and never had the courage to actually do it until now? The deed is done and now I need to see how things turn out. If things go south, then it is better for me to realize it now instead of find out months, even years down the road.

Ps, I will let you all know how this turns out haha because that is what really matters right? No one really cares about regretting, we wannt know the dirt!


  1. Jacob my love! You should never regret sharing your feelings and being honest about them. Whether or not this works out in your favor its better that this person knows how you feel than you spending the rest of your life regretting not saying anything. You should never regret loving someone! It is in loving people that we learn the most about ourselves. It is scary to think about losing a friendship, but you can always be grateful for the time you had. Its always better to be honest, eventually, if you hadn't been honest,(and I say this from experience) you would come to regret not being honest when you had the chance. Its always hard to watch the person you want to be with be with someone else and inevitably this would have happened. You would have ended up resenting the person you loved, wondering why they couldn't see how you obviously feel,and that isn't good at all. Everything will always work out for the best, that is the way the universe works. You may not get what you want, but you always get what you need! :)


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