
Remember that time I wrote a letter to my special someone and was sorta afraid? I vaugely remember it, but I just got the results.

Yes that is right!? Don't we make the cutest couple? There really is not a lot to say about it but I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY!

Yes we are facebook official, Now that is SERIOUS CHIZZ!

If you wanna know more and details, you are more than welcome to take me out to lunch :)


  1. I already know tons of details but I so wanted this post to be about the pj pants you want....lol but yes you do make a cute couple...and it's only a little nauseating to watch you be giggly happy about it. You know I love you:)

  2. YAY!! I'm so happy for you and I LOVE that pic!!

  3. I love my brother and I love that pic and am so happy for you :D

  4. Jacob... I want to do lunch. Too bad I hardly ever make it to Poky. Boo. Love, Brittani


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