
Showing posts from May, 2011

You Are A Very Seductive Pickle Eater.

The Apartment of my dreams will soon be mine. The gentleman that currently rents it, is giving his 30 days tomorrow!!! Excited? HELL YES! I have been saving up money for rent for the last 2 months, and I already have 4 months rent saved. Holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy!!! This will be amazing. I cannot wait to actually get the apartment. Being inside it makes me feel like I am not in Pocatello anymore. I feel as if I am in some city in California, New York, New Jersey, just somewhere much better than Idaho. This is a dream soon to come true. One of the many I have. Living above a business off of a main street. Having windows that light the whole place. Walking up a marble staircase to even get to the apartments. Off street parking. My own place. A place I do not have to share with anyone. It is all mine. A place where the parents have no dominion. My house, my rules. If I want to walk around my apartment naked, so be it. If I want a glass of wine before bed, so be it. If

Does He Look Dangerous To You?

Every little girl out there makes a list of the things she wishes her future husband will have. The Perfect Guy is what they call it...Well doing this is not limited to just little girls! I started making this list years ago, and it got ridiculously long. It started as just a simple list, then every time I saw a guy and he did something I liked, I would add it. hundreds of characteristics later, I finally settled on the top 10 most important things. 1. Tact . Being able to talk to someone and not have to worry about him saying something crude or off color. Being honest is not an excuse to be rude. 2. Healthy . A guy that is not a porker and puts good things into his body. None of this nasty smoking garbage. And Personal Hygiene is a must. Teeth better be white. 3. Open . Being able to date someone that is able to be open about everything. Secrets are fun sometimes, but even better when you can share them with each other. 4. Talkative . I would rather talk to myself than to a person tha

Apple Fritter For Breakfast!

The interesting people I meet at Deleta. Tonight, a lovely girl come up to me and asked me if I ever cut myself. I was stunned by her question and replied "No, I would never do that. There are so many other thing I can do instead. But I can understand why someone would cut. I have a friend that cuts, and although I wouldn't and couldn't imagine doing it, she has helped me get a grip on why she and other people do it." I continued to tell her how I don't look down on people that cut, I just want to offer my help and support for when they decide they want to stop. Now don't get me wrong, I do not support it, but I cannot stop a person from doing it. Then she just asked if I had a good life. I had no clue what she meant by that. I began to just tell her, I actually have a wonderful life. She asked about my background, I grew up in a super LDS family. My parents are extremely Mormon and have really strict rules. Although I was raised LDS, my life has gone down a v

Am I Swimming In These Pants?

It's only been 2 weeks and I am already having American Eagle Dreams. Although they have been two of the best dreams I have had in a long time. Dream 1. I was working and it was a very busy day. People everywhere. Then this really nice looking guy walks in carrying a ukulele and comes right to me. He asks if I am which I reply "Sure Am." Next thing I know he is lifting me on the counter and says to me,"(Insert Boy's Name) sent me. He wishes he could be here to do this himself." Then he starts playing and singing 'Oh It Is Love' by Hellogoodbye. One of my absolutely favorite songs. The whole store just freezes. It was one of those moments where everyone stops and adores. It was simply blissful. And I wake up singing the song. Ha. Dream 2. Yet again, the dream starts out in American Eagle. I am working and there are two girls looking for me. Not just any two girls...Death Eaters. I was freaking out so I hid between two pillars of mens small

We Are Trying To Get On That Tree.

It is going to definitely be one of the most interesting summers ever. Before we dive into everything, first things first. Semester is OVER! Grades are posted! Success! Sign Language--------> A Deaf Community-------> A Concert Choir--------> A Social Diversity-----> A Stats----------------> B+ Professional Writing-> B+ Grades in other subjects. Friends--------------> C Relationships--------> D- Family Renewal-------> D Working Out----------> B+ Work-----------------> A+ Love Interest--------> A- I feel like overall, this semester has been a success academically, but C- average personally. Considering all the garbage I have gotten myself into and all the emotional roller coasters I have been on, I would expect nothing more than just a C-. I give myself a C in Friends because I made some wonderful friendships, Aaron, Tyler, Joseph, Erica, Valerie, Cameron. While renewing and strengthening old friendships, Lakota, Camary, Krista, Dallon, Adrianna. On th

Anything But Clothes.

I want to blog.

Kissing A Fool.

For beginners, I am listening to Michael Buble. Windows wide open while the rain adds a delicate damper to all sounds from outside. This is bliss. It feel good. I have a book on my bedside table, incense burning, and a dim light coming from a single lamp. I haven't felt so satisfied, solaced, mollified, comfortable, soothed. I just feel...good. I am at ease. Rid of responsibility to think constructively and critically. I can indulge myself in books, music, social and romantic life. Take part in all my guilty pleasures. Finally at rest. The best feeling is when my heart just tells me that everything is okay. Alleviated from stress. The feeling of being warmed from the inside out. Today I start a book over again. An Abundance Of Katherines by John Green. A book that just gives me so much pleasure just by the words. My imagination takes flight. Soon to follow, Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen. Yet another book that just leaves me at peace. I hope to find my way into a relationship. N

Wit Is In Response To Something.

Biggest accomplishment of my life!!!! I'll give you a hint. Must use at 122 degrees Fahrenheit. BODY WAXING! Omg what a thrill! It hurt like hell but it was the most amazing experience ever. Talk about wanting to punch a baby in the face. With every rrriiip I felt like my skin was just gonna peal off. They are right when they say there is a price for beauty. BUT is so worth it. I could just lay here rubbing my chest all night. It is such a great feeling.. NO HAIR! Golly I cannot remember the last time I didn't have chest hair... wait in the 8th grade. haha I plan on getting a good waxing done every 4 weeks. Yes! No longer worrying about getting razor burn. Just have to worry about getting scalded when they apply the wax haha. PHOTOS GALORE!