We Are Trying To Get On That Tree.

It is going to definitely be one of the most interesting summers ever. Before we dive into everything, first things first.

Semester is OVER! Grades are posted! Success!
Sign Language--------> A
Deaf Community-------> A
Concert Choir--------> A
Social Diversity-----> A
Stats----------------> B+
Professional Writing-> B+

Grades in other subjects.
Friends--------------> C
Relationships--------> D-
Family Renewal-------> D
Working Out----------> B+
Work-----------------> A+
Love Interest--------> A-

I feel like overall, this semester has been a success academically, but C- average personally. Considering all the garbage I have gotten myself into and all the emotional roller coasters I have been on, I would expect nothing more than just a C-.

I give myself a C in Friends because I made some wonderful friendships, Aaron, Tyler, Joseph, Erica, Valerie, Cameron. While renewing and strengthening old friendships, Lakota, Camary, Krista, Dallon, Adrianna. On the other hand, I lost or damaged several friendships, Cam, Jen, Kasey. Obviously all friendships don't last. But I do believe that they are there at certain times in life for a reason. Whether or not I understand why I became friends with people, and what they did to benefit me, I may never know.

D- in Relationships. The relationship that meant the most to me, I lost. Try as I might, it didn't work. Tried to move on, only ending up in hook ups. Not my style. Good thing, I have found my way back, or should I say welcomed.

D in Family Renewal. It is sad, but I have finally come to terms with the fact that I will never have a relationship with my mother again. As long as I am Gay and she is Mormon, it will never work...and I don't see either of those changing any time soon...or ever. As for dad, eh, like we ever had a relationship. ha ha.

B+ in Working Out. I am trying to get back on the bike forever. I have been running again, hopefully I can stick with it. And I am GOING to finally get rid of these delicious love handles. I'm hella determined right now.

A+ in Work. I. Am. A. Workaholic. It has gotten to the point that when I get home, I pull out my Deleta key to unlock my house...pathetic. Now I am working every day from open to close at Deleta, and when I am not there, I am at American Eagle. Get me some cash!

A- in Love Interest. Umm...complicated. Ha ha. My head is swimming as always. Sure I have not had a stable stage of Like, but whatever ha ha. And of course I get an A in Love Interest because I am Interested...As always. Very crazy things have been happening in this department, my past is starting to replay. We'll see what happens.

Update on life: GOING TO SLC PRIDE!!! Woot! I have wanted to go for the last 2 years, but first year I was too scared. Second year, no one would go with me. LAME! So this year I have been invited to go with Aaron, Joseph and Tyler! Woot, sounds like a rockin time. Cannot wait to go.

Other happiness, American Eagle Credit Card, Paid Off.


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