Apple Fritter For Breakfast!

The interesting people I meet at Deleta. Tonight, a lovely girl come up to me and asked me if I ever cut myself. I was stunned by her question and replied "No, I would never do that. There are so many other thing I can do instead. But I can understand why someone would cut. I have a friend that cuts, and although I wouldn't and couldn't imagine doing it, she has helped me get a grip on why she and other people do it." I continued to tell her how I don't look down on people that cut, I just want to offer my help and support for when they decide they want to stop. Now don't get me wrong, I do not support it, but I cannot stop a person from doing it. Then she just asked if I had a good life. I had no clue what she meant by that. I began to just tell her, I actually have a wonderful life. She asked about my background,

I grew up in a super LDS family. My parents are extremely Mormon and have really strict rules. Although I was raised LDS, my life has gone down a very different pathway.

I tell her that I am Gay, and how my family reacted. How my parents reacted and how my friends acted. We talked about the effect communication, and lack there of, has on a relationship of any kind. Romantic relationship. Familial relationship. Friendships. Mind you this girl was probably only 14 at the oldest.

We soon began to discuss how life is as good as you make it. This little discussion with this young girl has made me think about life. I have had a hard year, yet I still can find things to smile and laugh about. I am extremely grateful for the ability to see the good in most situations. Grateful I can be so optimistic about life. I cannot imagine life without all the things that make me smile.

Thinking about it, there is so much to be happy and smile about. I have a job, well two jobs. Deleta has been so nice to me. I have been giving myself hours galore and that has been fabulous. American Eagle has been lovely. It is a new experience, and I get to meet new people all the time. I have friends. Even though we don't get the chance to talk everyday, or every week, I know they love me and I love them. Waking up every morning actually makes me so happy. Not every just wakes up every morning. Ha. So it is a blessing to be alive.

Well I basically forgot where I was going with this blog, that is what I get for falling asleep while typing...Maybe I will remember tomorrow.


  1. Jake I love you. Your blog's more often than not make me feel like a smiley. There are always the most interesting people at Deleta. I met some of the most interesting people I've ever met there. Can I just say it's amazing that you're supportive of your friend that cuts. I'm sure she appreciates you supporting her even though you don't like the fact that she cuts, I know I would. That's part of what's great about you and why your friends love you, you simply accept them for who they are. Hugs!


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