Does He Look Dangerous To You?

Every little girl out there makes a list of the things she wishes her future husband will have. The Perfect Guy is what they call it...Well doing this is not limited to just little girls! I started making this list years ago, and it got ridiculously long. It started as just a simple list, then every time I saw a guy and he did something I liked, I would add it. hundreds of characteristics later, I finally settled on the top 10 most important things.

1. Tact. Being able to talk to someone and not have to worry about him saying something crude or off color. Being honest is not an excuse to be rude.

2. Healthy. A guy that is not a porker and puts good things into his body. None of this nasty smoking garbage. And Personal Hygiene is a must. Teeth better be white.

3. Open. Being able to date someone that is able to be open about everything. Secrets are fun sometimes, but even better when you can share them with each other.

4. Talkative. I would rather talk to myself than to a person that is quiet and cannot hold a conversation. Communication is defiantely A MUST.

5. Active and Outgoing. I need someone that likes to go camping and hang in the outdoors. And someone that is not afraid to be themself around EVERYONE. Don't be shy. You have to be able to go out with people and have a good time. If we go to a party, instead of being a wallflower, get out, interact with people. Let's be a couple.

6. Respects Boundaries. He needs to know when to give and take personal time. Being with each other is great, but there are times where we both need alone time.

7. Passionate. I need someone that has goals and ambition. A guy that is more interested in love and the beauty of things than in finding a place for that dangling participle.

8. Stable. I need a guy that can hold a job and be self-dependent. Not only financially stable but emotionall stable. None of this I cannot go on without you rubbish.

9. Outwardly Loving. I need someone that has a great connection with his friends and family, if possible. Someone that is not afraid to actaully say the L word, but only when they mean it.

10. Accepting. Someone that can love me for me. Someone that love my little flaws as well as the big ones. Sure things happened in my past, but this is the present and why dwell on the past when there is no way to change it. Focus on the now.

Please if you fit this description, let yourself be known!


  1. Jake my love, sadly I do not believe I am your perfect guy. Obvious anatomy issues aside as I have a "v" instead of a "p" I don't even have the qualities your looking for...except 10. I'm a pretty accepting person but otherwise you'll have to look elsewhere for your dream husband. I will just have to live with the heartache that I'm not man enough for you...(sniff, sniff) I need a tissue.

    Good list though.

  2. Awww...I had one of those somewhere. Maybe if I remake my list, it will be easier to find my perfect man. I'm inspired!


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