
Showing posts from February, 2012


Sheesh, this whole Dailybooth things has gotten wayyyy out of control. Posting daily on there, and not a single post on here. I apologize. I have neglected my captive reading audience and abandoned my writing/possible creative side. I won't do that again, I promise, criss cross applesauce. Well to catch everyone up, and to let my conscious be relieved of such stress, let's begin. Actually I dunno where TO begin? I guess best thing to do it to go back and see where I left off....... Oh, it appears that everyone is already caught up. The biggest thing going on is the Dailybooth thing. Hmmm, OH I went to Charley's last weekend and this weekend :)) I have missed it so much. It was definitely well worth my time. All my friends were there, and I felt like the one thing missing was finally found. Is it weird to say something like that about a bar? I mean people look down on bars and stuff, but really, I wouldn't rather be anywhere else than Charley's on a Saturday night.

Pink Flamingos Are Pink.

I have a highly addictive personality, and it's bad. I never thought that I would find something that I would be addicted to more than blogging, but I found it. It is okay though, I need to be addicted to something worth while. At least it isn't pills eh? New addiction, Yes I know last time I said Photobooth, but that is not the real website. It is DAILYBooth. Oops. To very similar things and but two completely different sites. To prove that I am such a nerd, I go to and I try to log in....after over an hour of *Forgot Your Password?* and *Forgot Your Username?* I realized that I was at the wrong website Ha. Oopsie. Oh well, it is my new obsession and I hope to stick with it for a while. If you care to follow me, here is the URL Enjoy :)

I Was Confused, Forgot To Clarify.

Nails clipped, observation made, and now it is just waiting for Econ to start. Ugh today is a day in and of itself. Now I have used that phrase before and I still dunno what it really means. I use it, and I hope that I am using it in the correct way, but who knows. That is the case with many phrases. I don't get a lot of what people say these days. Why is today a hard day? Well last night was Valentine's Day and I didn't have a Valentine, but that really isn't the hard part. I had a lovely evening with Sara. We got our heart shaped pizza, and we danced the night away. It was delightful. I dressed up in a delightful yellow unitard and some delicious booty shorts...unfortunately we didn't take any photos, but I am sure we will be reenacting this even several times in the near future. And when we do, there will definitely be photos. That is if I get a freaking camera. I really have to get on that. I joined and I gotta get camera so I can actually take ph

I'll Share My Choco-Taco With You...Ew?

I have way too much fun when it comes to Valentine's Day, especially when I don't have a Valentine (well a significant other). I do have a Valentine for the Day, Sara, but not a real Valentine that I am in L.O.V.E. with. BUT for this happy day, Sara and I are gonna spend the evening together. On my way home from work, I am gonna pick a a heart shaped pizza fro Papa Murphey's, grab my Wii and some Just Dance, then we are gonna dance the night away and eat up some pizza :) I figure, why should I hate this holiday? Just because I don't get to spend it when the person I Love, or get to share a romantic evening like half of the world, (Well US) doesn't mean I need to be bitter. I'll leave that to all the other single people out there. This year's Valentine's are Hello Kitty!! Why? Because they were one of the only ones left at Walmart last night when I decided to celebrate the holiday, fully. And, it's Japanese...who doesn't like Japanese shit? (Said

One Day, He May Come Back.

I have this new obsession with fashion. I just go to and I spend all my time looking and rating people's fashion/ I steal some ideas, I create my own ideas...golly. I just wanna go shopping so bad right now. I have so much I want to buy, but where should I get the money? Maybe I should find myself a sugar daddy to supply everything for me. I mean it really can't be that bad can it? So you can get a feel for what I am obsessing over.... I mean obviously you can tell I am obsessing around a single guy, for the most part, but I LOVE his fashion sense. I am slowly adopting this style. It is so.....chic! Of course this is only the summer wear, but I will start looking at more professional options. And in response to the suggestions of shopping at T.J. Maxx and Ross, their clothes fit really weird on guys...their smalls are more like a large on me. And their clothes are really boxy. I rarely find anything that looks good and fits right. But, I will give it another shot,

Therefore, Too Low Is Wrong.

I am absolutely in Love with what I am doing in school! Being at the Audiology Clinic is just amazing. There is only one problem, I don't own any professional clothing. I have got to go shopping and get just a few things. Well I guess there is another problem that arises, I don't have the money to go shopping, AND this is Idaho...where the heck can I get tasteful clothing? The nearest place that has semi-okay clothing is Salt Lake, and there is no way my car will make it all the way there AND back. And there is no way that I am gonna SL Express it. I am just hoping that I get a huge paycheck really soon, or get my taxes back and stumble upon a friend that is going down to SLC, so I can hitch a ride. Today has been one of those day. And by one of those days I mean, it is a Khaki and Polo day. Only golfers and 49er's fans wear khakis and polos together. Ugh, and I am neither of those. Once again, the issue of not having clinic appropriate clothing. Complain, complain, compla

You Need To Shut It Down.

Not gonna lie, I am one amazing human being. Today has probably been one of the most eventful days, ever. After waking up, I cleaned...and not just cleaned...but C-L-E-A-N-E-D cleaned my apartment. Last time something like this happened, I ran out of orange glow. Soon it was time for class, so I went to Economics...this is where I lost all focus and motivation...but soon regained it when I got home. BACKGROUND STORY!! The other day, I was walking down the stairs of my building and there was a TV sitting at the bottom of the stairs with a sign on it that said "free." I look at Tuc and he says "take it" so I did. I now have a TV. Back to the main story now...I get home and see the TV I have just sitting there, still not even plugged in...Then this crazy thought pops into my mind...I.MUST.PLAY.MARIO. Ha notice the yoga ball... I tried to do some yoga...but never actually got around to it. Teehee. I assumed this position for about 3 hours today. THAT IS RIDICULOUS! The