I Was Confused, Forgot To Clarify.

Nails clipped, observation made, and now it is just waiting for Econ to start.

Ugh today is a day in and of itself. Now I have used that phrase before and I still dunno what it really means. I use it, and I hope that I am using it in the correct way, but who knows. That is the case with many phrases. I don't get a lot of what people say these days.

Why is today a hard day? Well last night was Valentine's Day and I didn't have a Valentine, but that really isn't the hard part. I had a lovely evening with Sara. We got our heart shaped pizza, and we danced the night away. It was delightful. I dressed up in a delightful yellow unitard and some delicious booty shorts...unfortunately we didn't take any photos, but I am sure we will be reenacting this even several times in the near future. And when we do, there will definitely be photos. That is if I get a freaking camera. I really have to get on that. I joined Photobooth.com and I gotta get camera so I can actually take photos. I am using it as a little experiment. I was blog stalking some people the other day and there was a blog I found where a man took a photo of himself in the same position for 365 days. It was so awesome to see how the man was changing over the course of a year, and I think I want to do that. Starting today! ANYWAY, but to the main reason why today is hard, today is a mega bloated day :( Yes that pizza and dancing sure did have an effect on me. I know that it is not monthly bloat. Sara and I may hang out a lot, but we haven't hung out so much that we are syncing up or cycles, well not yet at least. I am sure it will come to that point some day.

I just feel so gross today. And I left my fat pants at work last night. I have got to go get some new khakis for Clinic, like ASAP!

On a brighter note, I had a clinic session with my adviser today and it was not awkward. It was a little weird at first just because I have a little history with....well not going there, at this point. BUT I thought it might be a little weird seeing her and being alone with her, but nonetheless, it was a delight. I discovered that my ability to make children happy is not always a blessing. I think I got the child too happy for a proper examination today...being that the child was a baby. Oh well I will work on that.

Side note:
I found a website where you can watch petite lap giraffes, live :) It is awesome!!
If you care to watch them here is the link :
I get so enthralled with them and I can't stop watching. They are so cute and I just want to buy one. I wonder what it would cost...and if it is even legal in the US to own one. What would it take to raise one? I know they won't get big, but how much room will I have to dedicate to them? I guess I will start my research right now and see what I can do. IF it is a possibility that I can get one, I will have to get a new apartment (no pets allowed).


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