
Sheesh, this whole Dailybooth things has gotten wayyyy out of control. Posting daily on there, and not a single post on here. I apologize. I have neglected my captive reading audience and abandoned my writing/possible creative side. I won't do that again, I promise, criss cross applesauce.

Well to catch everyone up, and to let my conscious be relieved of such stress, let's begin.
Actually I dunno where TO begin? I guess best thing to do it to go back and see where I left off.......
Oh, it appears that everyone is already caught up. The biggest thing going on is the Dailybooth thing. Hmmm, OH I went to Charley's last weekend and this weekend :)) I have missed it so much. It was definitely well worth my time. All my friends were there, and I felt like the one thing missing was finally found. Is it weird to say something like that about a bar? I mean people look down on bars and stuff, but really, I wouldn't rather be anywhere else than Charley's on a Saturday night. To my surprise, when I got to Charley's last Saturday night (Feb 18th) it was Mardi Gras :) Ha! It was just awesome. I loved everything about it. AND to boot, I was a part of the Mardi Gras parade :) ha ha That was just fun.

Obviously the photo isn't that great.... but, it was what I have to work with. I wish I had a great photo of the eye makeup I had done...IT WAS AWESOME! I think my favorite part of the evening was getting eye makeup put on ha ha and of course the dancing :) I will forever go back every Saturday evening. It just completes my weekend.

Oh that note, I have a new favorite dancing friend :D Oh gosh, this last Saturday was just awesome. I have not felt so good for a long time. I was just so careless and I miss that feeling. Getting to dance with whomever and not feeling guilty. It is simply fun.

So, I love my apartment, yes, a lot. BUT lately I have been doing a lot of online shopping (browsing) and seeing all these things that I want to decorate an apartment with, BUT my apartment doesn't really support the style I have been looking at. If that makes sense. I just want to go looking for new apartments. NOT saying that I will move anytime soon, I just wanna see what is out there. Now if I find a place with one brick wall, and hardwood floors, oak cabinets, a kitchen island with bar stools, and at least 3 windows in the livingroom. Let's get real though, this is Pocatello, IDAHO, there is no way I will find something like that...and I want it to be on either the 3rd or 5th floor of a building...I am not sure we even have building that have 5 levels here, besides the hospital.

Recent developments:
  • I have a new found love for Chinese food. It is so good, especially spring rolls
  • Favorite song to go to sleep, "Mr. Bojangles" performed by Andy Blankenbuehler
  • A deep appreciation for brick buildings
  • Discovered Black Cherry Jello
  • Noah and The Whale
  • Words With Friends


  1. Brittany Miller is leaving her apartment this month. has more than three windows in the living room. has a kitchen island. Oak cupboards. No exposed brick. But available. :)


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