Awww Cute, You Betty Cocker.

As fore mentioned in a blog, I have a very addictive personality. And this time I think I may be going too far ha. Lately I have been chatting delightfully with a new, "friend" and I enjoy the conversation so much that I don't want it to end. So I, being a strong personality type, I am constantly messaging this person...all day long. I have gained a high affinity for this individual and I think it may be getting me into that obnoxious, always wanted to talk phase. Eeeek, and believe me, that is the last place I want to be. Suggestions on how to not be so addicted? Today was grocery shopping day...and that means I gotta Gay it up! So I thought that jean shorts, a tank, cardigan and my purse would do the trick :) PLUS I SHAVED! And we all know how much I HATE to shave. But I did it. I suck it up, and put a razor to the face. Now I look like a cute little boy :)