
Showing posts from July, 2012

Awww Cute, You Betty Cocker.

As fore mentioned in a blog, I have a very addictive personality.  And this time I think I may be going too far ha. Lately I have been chatting delightfully with a new, "friend" and  I enjoy the conversation so much that I don't want it to end. So I, being a strong personality type, I am constantly messaging this person...all day long.  I have gained a high affinity for this individual and I think it may be getting me into that obnoxious, always  wanted to talk phase. Eeeek, and believe me, that is the last place I want to be.  Suggestions on how to not be so addicted? Today was grocery shopping day...and that means I gotta  Gay it up! So I thought that jean shorts, a tank, cardigan and my purse would do the trick :) PLUS I SHAVED! And we all know how much I HATE to shave. But I did it. I suck it up, and put a razor to the face.  Now I look like a cute little boy :)

Probably Because You Are You.

Today was kind of a Let-down day. Remember a few posts ago I mentioned trying to get into a Genetics class? Well I heard from the professor today and he declined my petition to take the class without the pre-requisites. I am a little saddened by this because now I have to find a 3 credit class to take so I can graduate on time. And I refuse to take summer classes. So if anyone has any suggestions, I am open to it. Lately at work I have been feeling so unappreciated and taken for granted.  They say when you start feeling this way, it is time to look for another job, but I fear I won't be able to find a job that is willing to work with my class schedule as well at the rink does, and I also don't wanna go from being at  the top, all the way to to bottom again. And to go back to being paid ONLY minimum wage. That definitely won't pay my rent, insurance and other bills. Ugh, what a terrible place to be at the moment. Hopefully when school starts thin

If I'm Gonna Die, I'm Gonna Die.

I dunno how I walk into some of the situations that I do, but I like my life. No, I LOVE my life.  Recently, I got to spend a delightful evening with my, now official, friend Kadyn. Had a great chat over dinner at Chili's and running into a whole bunch of the douche guys from high school. It was extremely refreshing because we actually had a  conversation.  After dinner off to the driving range and hit some golf balls!!! Eeeek, it is so much fun :) The best way to relieve some stress! I also have an way of making the strangest friends... The lady that owns and runs the driving range is now one of my best gossip gals. We stand there for and hour and just talk and talk about everything. She is a doll. I give her shopping and fashion tips, and she gives me free golf balls ha.  Anyway, after a fun evening of golfing and ice cream we go take a walk around Old Town  just to experience the cool air, and as we walk back to my apartment, we hear a girl mo

Penetrance Is An All Or Nothing Phenomenon.

I am 100% back into school mode. Early you say...yeah, I guess you are right.  Although, this year is different from all the others, this year I will be graduating :) I am 31 credits away from having myself a degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders w/ Emphasis in Pre-Audiology. That's right folks, then on my way to grad school to become a licensed and practicing Audiologist! I am in full ass-kissing mode. Just finished an email to my adviser discussing my semester plans and future educational goals. Throwing out phrases like "GPA of 3.93" and "53 of my last 6 credits are A's and the remaining 7 credits are A-'s." And my favorite "If all goes as planned and I receive A's for  the next year, I will graduate with a 4.0 (Last 60 credits)." Why 'last 60 credits' you ask? Because on my application for Grad School,  the GPA of the last 60 credits is what is asked for on the application. THUS, meeting per

I Think Your Hair Is Sexy.

I have just discovered something worst to wake up to than the sound of someone vomiting, the phone ringing, and when you answer it someone on the other end saying that your banking accounts have been compromised and someone is making charges at Macy's in Oklahoma City. Whoever it was had better have gotten something nice like a dress and shoes or a new fitted suit and sterling silver cuff links. C'mon keep it classy. On a different note, I may be having some romance in my life. What? Yeah, weird. It's been a looooong time since I had anything exciting happening in the Realm of Dating. But as usual, I will keep you posted. As a way of keeping myself from getting bored, or down that someone else got to  spend my money on something fabulous, I am making a collage. Notice the excessive amounts of men in spandex outfits :) 

Your Laugh Is One Of My Favorite Sounds.

Dear everyone, I am still alive and well.  This summer has been so incredibly full of TIME, that I dunno what to do with it all. I should blog more than I have, but I don't.  I have Sunday through Tuesday off almost every week, and  instead of blogging or doing something worth while, I watch Will & Grace, bake unhealthy food, or watch Will & Grace and bake unhealthy food at the same time.  I have been working out more than usual. Got myself a gym membership to the Metro just down the street. The only weird thing about going to the  gym is, is when I walk through the locker room I see all these naked men. Heaven right? WRONG! With my luck, all the men that walk around in  the nude are over 50. Barf! Everywhere I go..the showers, the hot tub, the sauna. ALL OLD NAKED MEN! It makes me never want to grow old. Although I have been scarred by several of the older gentlemen at the gym, the ladies make me feel at home, especially when I am on the ro

For The Brokenhearted, Battles Scarred.

As of late, I have had no blog motivation or inspiration. I feel bad because normally I can blog about anything and everything, but lately I have had nothing to say. It's not that I have been busy because I have had nothing BUT time this summer. I don't ever work on Monday or Tuesday so I just stay in bed all morning. Literally all morning, from 12 am to 11:59 am. I am  such a lazy butt. I have no reason to get out of bed so I just lay there. I  know I should get up and work out or just get up and do something, but I don't HAVE to so I just stay in bed. Luckily my mom said I can do her yard for every Tuesday morning... that'll get me up and out of bed. Yay. I was looking through my photos on my phone and ran across a couple of them that I have not shared with anyone. So might as well start sharing... cause sharing IS caring. Enjoy.   1. Roller skating on the quad with my great friend Lyndsay Evans 2. This is how my mom ins