Penetrance Is An All Or Nothing Phenomenon.

I am 100% back into school mode. Early you say...yeah, I guess you are right. 
Although, this year is different from all the others, this year I will be graduating :)
I am 31 credits away from having myself a degree in
Communication Sciences and Disorders w/ Emphasis in Pre-Audiology.
That's right folks, then on my way to grad school to become a licensed and practicing

I am in full ass-kissing mode.
Just finished an email to my adviser discussing my semester plans and future educational goals.
Throwing out phrases like "GPA of 3.93" and "53 of my last 6 credits are A's and the
remaining 7 credits are A-'s." And my favorite "If all goes as planned and I receive A's for 
the next year, I will graduate with a 4.0 (Last 60 credits)."
Why 'last 60 credits' you ask? Because on my application for Grad School, 
the GPA of the last 60 credits is what is asked for on the application.
THUS, meeting perfect requirements for Grad School, and NO need to take the GRE.

Not only have I been in contact with my adviser and showing an extreme interest in my education,
but I have been reading up on my Audiology shit, at the graduate level. 
I will not let myself be intimidated by the work load of Grad School.

I just have to remain focused and kick ass.

The only thing keeping me from everything above is the genetics professor. 
I tried to register for Genetics, but there is a pre-requisite that I do not have. 
I emailed the professor, explaining why I wanted to take his class and why I 
felt like he should consider waiving the pre-req...Hopefully he agrees, and allows
me to take his class. If Not, I gotta think of another plan to keep me on track 
and allowing me to graduate with a 4.0 (L60C).

Pressure, pressure, pressure. Unfortunately I will not be able to sleep for the night.
I had a Rockstar energy drink at 9:00 tonight at work, and I am wide awake.
My mind will be thinking about getting into Genetics all night.
IF I get in, I am definitely gonna need some help understanding everything!

Another unfortunate event, I do not have a photo relating to anything discussed above..
so enjoy a blurry photo of a box of tacos found on my 21st birthday in Denver.


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