
Showing posts from July, 2009

The Start Of An Adventure

July 25th, We left for Washington DC. Things were going great. We made it to Salt Lake Airport just fine, got on the flight perfectly. Then we got to the Denver Airport. Everything seemed to go to crap then. About an hour before we are suppose to board the plane the lady at the desk gets on the intercom and the following annoucement begins to prodrude from her mouth, "Attention passengers of flight 725 to Washington DC, Due to a lightening storm in DC, the plane has not yet left the airport. The flight has been delayed for 4 hours." Just peachy. We are stuck in an airport for another 4 hours. Once we finally get boarded on the plane, I get seated to the Asian guy with no personality. I decide to just sleep through the whole flight and not have to worry about being bored for the duration of our flying. Touch down in DC, and we cannot get off the plane because there is lighening outside and it is too dangerous for the groundcrews to get the luggage out of the plane....Even thou

Photo Friday July 24th

K so here is the story behind this one.... I was jsut getting home from hanging out with Camary and Clifford. I thought I would be nice and take care of the garbage for the night. We had gone out to dinner at Arby's and We usually leave the grabage in Cam's car, but I was being generous. My hands were full with the bag and the empty cups and my phone. Cam and Cliff left and I was heading inside, but before I went in I had to throw the trash in the garbage can. Not realizing that I acutally threw everything away, I went inside. Hours later I couldn't find my phone and I was worried. I looked everywhere possible and no phone. It hit me like a ton of bricks, I threw my phone away, Hence the picture of the inside of my garbage can. Long behold, I didn't acutally throw my phone away, I left it in Cam's car.

Love, Love, Love.

I did this a while ago, but the things I love has changed since like 2 years ago, so I am going to do it again. This Blog is about the things in life that I love. Most people make hate lists or things that bug them, this on is totally opposite. Everything in this post are things that I just love!!! Singing- = -Piano Music- = -My Family- = -Watches- = -Novels- = -Watermelon- = -Finding Pennies On The Ground- = -Sunsets- = -Late Night Chats- = -Traveling- = -RENT- = -Tie Dye- = -Completely Wasted People- = -Kisses From My Nieces and Nephew- = -Musicals- = -Black And White Photos- = -Clothes Shopping- = -Glasses- = -Grandpa Fries- = -Vinal Records- = -Drinking From Mason Jars- = -Eating Out With Friends- = -Ice Blocking- = -Old School Nintendo- = -Weekend At Krista's Cabin- = -Cello- = -Reggae Music- = -Underwear- = -Argile- = -Board Games- = -Angry Teen Music- = -Coffee Shops- = -Inside Jokes- = -Bike Rides- = -Over Dress- = -Hiking- = -Old Brick Buildings- = -Reading- = -Sunglasses-

Photo Friday July 17th

Two Words: Horse Face! This in probably the funnest thing to do when you are bored and you have a camera around. All you need to do is buzz your lips and while you are buzzing, take a picture! Ha ha it makes the best pictures and even better memories.

New Found Knowledge

Did you know that you can die by popping a zit on your nose? Yeah I didn't know that either. I was watching 1,000 ways to die and while we were watching, Nick, my brother-in-law, informed me that if I were to pop a zit on my nose my chances of dying increased like dramatically. There is a main vein that runs through your nose and if the bacteria from your zit gets in that vein, it will travel to your heart and kill you. The bacteria will begin to grow and seize your heart. How insane. So a little advide, if you have a hideous zit on your nose, just let it go down by its self. Don't pop it. Scary, I know. I use to pop my zits on my nose or get the blackheads off my nose, now I know not to do that. Just let all the face creams and acne wash get rid of it all. OVER AND OUT!!!

Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince

Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince, Hmmm where to begin. How about with the fact that it was nothing like the book. Yes, and how about that the objects used in this movie are different from the objects used in the previous movies. For example, the Pensive. In the previous books it is described as "a stone basin." In this movie the "stone basin" is acutally a floating metal dish. Ok I guess only someone who is obsessed usually notices those kinds of things, but don't you ever wonder why the commonroom and Dumbledor's office always looks different in every movie. Why can't they just pick one style of office and keep it that way. It is too confusing for people to have to realize that all the settings have changed in appearance but are the same place. I just don't get it. Another thing, the producers really can lay off of the "Dramatic Music" First of all it isn't dramatic at all and second, it just makes the film seem even more cheese

Bottled Root Beer!

Yesterday, Cam, Cliff and I were all just chilling and we were heading up the the Pillars, when Cliff just had to stop to pee. We stop at Fred Meyer cause its just close. Thinking we were ready to leave, Cliff, again, needed something to drink. We scramble on over the the drinks and long behold, we discover the deliciousness of Root Beer In A GLASS BOTTLE! I freaking love it. I looks like a am getting wasted ha ha!! Not that I want that image, but it is funny! ha ha

Wireless Internet Rocks!

This whole summer I have been stressing about getting a laptop and then paying for my school books, which now the stress about the books has disappeaered thanks to my mother. I just decided to go ahead and purchase a laptop, and I have been super amazed about the whole thing. I got myself a Toshiba and I freaking love it!! It is so awesome. So I realized that I have wireless connection capability and I thought what the heck lets try to get on the internet using one of my neighbors many wireless routers. And believe it or not, I actually gained access!! Woot, so this blog is being written using a lovely new laptop and a wireless connection that doesn't belong to me! :) I love it! I just have to talk my parents into buying a wireless router....Because without one, a laptop is basically useless. I mean of course you can use it to write papers, but when its late and I can't sleep, what am I gonna do? Huh? Oh how about some Facebook or Myspace!! All I know is I love having my OWN la

Photo Friday

It is Friday, which means.... PHOTO FRIDAY!! This is a new weekly blog. Every Friday I will post a new blog with a random photo. Enjoy! One day Cam and I decided to go up to the Pillars on Red Hill. It is such an amazing view of Pocatello and suprisingly Pocatello is rather large. Any who Sit back and soak in the deliciousness of the Pillars :)

An Offer I Couldn't Refuse

So the other day my mom made me the best offer in the world! I am not even kidding, it is one of those offers that make you pee a little. Ok picture this... Scene: The livingroom I am laying on the loveseat just relaxing and bein a little lazy, but what's new. Mom walks in and sits down on the chair next to me and this is the following conversation we have. Mother: ok Jake I have an offer for you. Jake: Ok? Like what? Mother: It is an offer that will help the both of us. Jake: Ok what is it then? Mother: What is something I would use help with? Jake: I am guessing it has something to do with outside Mother: Yes It does. Jake: Is it the garden? Mother: Yes. And what do you need help with? Jake: YOUR PAYING MY COLLEGE TUITION!?! Mother: No. Jake: Ok Well what is it? Mother: If you weed the garden and maintain it for the rest of the summer, I will buy all your school books! Jake: What?! Are you serious?!! It is a deal!! End Scene. Yes, my mom said she would by my textbooks if

Happy 4th Y'all

For starters, Happy 4th Of July! What an eventful day. So many amazing things have happened. Amazing thing 1. This morning I woke up after sleeping in till 10:30, which bytheway is a freaking amazing task. I never sleep in. I forgot how heavenly wonderful it is. I get up check my facebook and myspace (it is a morning ritual for me. I am always hoping for someone to comment of something or just leave me a friendly "hello" message but it never happens.) and e-mail for my work schedual. Amazing thing 2. I finally work more than 3 days this next week. I wonder why I am so lucky. Amazing thing 3. I was picking up a shirt tag I dropped this morning and the tag slipped under my fingernail and slip it. Yeah I don't think that is really amazing, but it is eventul. It hurt so bad, I almost cried. So now I have this lovely white tape holding my fingernail on. OUCH!! Amazing thing 4. It is freaking the 4th of July!! What could be better?! Honestly... wait I know, It could STOP rainin