Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince

Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince, Hmmm where to begin. How about with the fact that it was nothing like the book. Yes, and how about that the objects used in this movie are different from the objects used in the previous movies. For example, the Pensive. In the previous books it is described as "a stone basin." In this movie the "stone basin" is acutally a floating metal dish. Ok I guess only someone who is obsessed usually notices those kinds of things, but don't you ever wonder why the commonroom and Dumbledor's office always looks different in every movie. Why can't they just pick one style of office and keep it that way. It is too confusing for people to have to realize that all the settings have changed in appearance but are the same place. I just don't get it. Another thing, the producers really can lay off of the "Dramatic Music" First of all it isn't dramatic at all and second, it just makes the film seem even more cheesey. Don't get me wrong, I love Harry Potter, the books are all amazing and I do love all the movies, well I just like this latest one not love. Don't you think the scene where all the students are around Dumbledor's dead body be a little more, I don't know, impressive. I faintly remember there being some more to that part in the book. And what happened to all the memories that Harry and Dumbledor go into...Ok that just triggers another thing, In the previous movies, don't Harry and Dumbledor actaully go INTO the memory. I thought they did, maybe I make up these things in my mind. Who knows. On a scale of 1 to Awesome, I'd give that movie a Hashbrown.
The reason the movie was a Hashbrown is because out of all the things you can make with a potatoe, hashbrowns are probably on of the more less delicious things. I mean you could make Mashed Potatoes or A Baked Potato or even Funeral Potatoes. But instead you make hashbrowns.
The way it realates to Harry Potter:
The makers of this film could have added more of the memories Harry and Dumbledor visited in the book, or at least kept the objects the same as the first time they appeared in the movies.
Out of all the different ways you can make the Harry Potter Movie, the director and producer decided to use a "Hashbrown" style. Leaving out some pretty important parts, adding scenes that didn't even happen in the book and using cheap music that wasn't even remotely interesting.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince, I rate you as a Hashbrown.


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