Happy 4th Y'all

For starters, Happy 4th Of July!
What an eventful day. So many amazing things have happened. Amazing thing 1. This morning I woke up after sleeping in till 10:30, which bytheway is a freaking amazing task. I never sleep in. I forgot how heavenly wonderful it is. I get up check my facebook and myspace (it is a morning ritual for me. I am always hoping for someone to comment of something or just leave me a friendly "hello" message but it never happens.) and e-mail for my work schedual. Amazing thing 2. I finally work more than 3 days this next week. I wonder why I am so lucky. Amazing thing 3. I was picking up a shirt tag I dropped this morning and the tag slipped under my fingernail and slip it. Yeah I don't think that is really amazing, but it is eventul. It hurt so bad, I almost cried. So now I have this lovely white tape holding my fingernail on. OUCH!! Amazing thing 4. It is freaking the 4th of July!! What could be better?! Honestly... wait I know, It could STOP raining. Freak mate, why couldn't the weather Gods just pity Pocatello and let the storm pass or hold off till tomorrow. As a family tradition for Independance Day, my family and I go up to Scout Mountain and just have a day picnic there and do all the delicious roasting of food. Ali and I went for a nice hike... mind you that I had to carry her they whole way. But it was an amazing view once we got to the top.
Thank you Theoi Meteoroi for clearing up the skies for the firework show. It was fantastic!! Loved it.

It was so much fun. I havn't seen a firework show for 2 years. Last Year I was in Germany overthe 4th and I missed all the fireworks. But my host family did give us sparklers to light and we had American food, Hamburgers! Delicious. But this year was heaps good.


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