
Showing posts from September, 2012

You Brought A Smile To My Face.

I just realized how hard it is to break a habit. I for the past 2 months I have been in this habit where I wake up at 7, waiting for a Good Morning text from  one of my friends and then at night I expect a  Good Night text around 9:00.  It is so hard to stay asleep in the morning and even  harder at night not to wait for that text or say it first. Shoot dang, hopefully soon I will be over something so simple. Today I found my way into the Audiology Clinic and messed around with all the equipment for nearly 2 hours :) It was just so much fun!! I love everything I do in there. After freaking out about my hearing, I am happy to report that my hearing is still extremely good! I am so conscious about sounds now... going to Charley's scares me because of how loud the music is and work makes me  even more paranoid for the fact that I am ALWAYS there and  we are ALWAYS playing loud music.  Thank goodness my hearing has not been too drastically  affect

Just Boil Things That Taste Good Together.

Today has been very productive, which is how my Sunday's USED to pan out. It  feels good to be as productive as before, if not more. Woke up for work, worked my little tush off, did some studying, made Split Pea Soup, Homemade Dinner  Rolls, and a cake with homemade chocolate frosting :) Took 2 quizzes....both 100% of course, did some research on the P.E.A.C.H. and wrote a paper about it with examples,  references, instructions on how to administer it and  how to score it. Shoot dang, I am on fire! I also received a bit of news from 3 different people today.  Some good, some not that good, but better than bad. First, news that I DID forget to pay my rent this month,  better news, I don't owe a late fee because I have been such  a loyal tenant. Second, my mother admitted she was being  ignorant when she cornered me and asked when I decided to  stop trying to do the right thing...when in all reality, it was her phraseology that was off and my in


The week from Hell is over! This last week I have had  4 quizzes, 2 exams, one paper and work of course.  Not exactly sure how I made it through, but I did. I am ready for a nice stiff drink for the weekend. Oh wait, I have to work. Actually, now that I think about it...I know how I made it through  my week. I began the week with this shirt... ...It is the shirt I bought last semester because I needed something to cheer me up. I was about to take an exam I was totally unprepared for and I bought the pink shirt, wore it for the test...and somehow came out of that test with an A. WHAT? So now I wear it whenever I feel like I am gonna fail a test. It is officially the lucky shirt of  all my CSED classes. Yay. And can I just say that I look muy caliente in this outfit? Shooooooot dang. Okay, so what is happening in my life besides school and work? Umm, nothing really. Just a ton of Will and Gracing it and baking. Ohhh, the Hallway Lesbians invit

If You Ever Wanna Be Bop Down Here.

I dunno how I got so lucky. Sitting in Hearing and Speech Sciences right after taking a quiz about all the muscles of inspiration and expiration and some how I aced it. I guess stressing over it so much last night and this morning actually helped a lot. I can now tell you all about the origin, insertion, innervation and function of the muscles of (in)expiration. Weird to think I actually kinda understand it. But I still make the I'm-So-Stupid-I-Am-Never-Going-To-Understand Face... It has been confirmed again that I love what I am going into.  I have an independent study that I am doing this semester about hearing aids and I L.O.V.E Love it!!! Today I got a shizz ton of different hearing aids :) BTE's, ITC's, CIC's, RIC's, IIC's!  Yay! I love all of this junk! They are so much fun to look at, break apart, and just study. Got myself an awesome mold of an ear so I can practice putting in and taking out the different types of hea

I Wish It Were 525,600 Minutes Instead.

This semester is definitely going to be one full of trials, I can already feel it. I made it 16 days into the semester before my first break down.  I am gonna call it a win on my part. If I remember correctly, last semester, I broke down after the first 6 days of class. Success and progress have been made.  AND even better, I have made it through this breakdown  alone. I didn't drag some poor soul into my apartment  to sit with me while I cry and pour out everything  that is bothering me, how hard school is, how I cannot  continue, that I might as well just drop out, work is really hard, I don't get enough hours at work to pay my rent, I am gonna lose  my apartment, etc. I just toughed it out on my own, cried a little, and told myself I was being pathetic, cried a little more, and now I am being super productive. Down 3 quizzes, one exam, a paper and a blog.  Maybe I should cry before attempting homework, I think it may be the beginning of a

I Am In Like With You.

I am really starting to dislike these outbursts of feeling I have been getting lately. It is making for situations in my life really hard to deal with.  I dunno why, but it is getting harder to block out what I am feeling.  It used to be so easy. Why has it changed? Because I followed the advice of Brene' Brown. Open yourself to people. Be vulnerable. Allow people to see you are your best AND your worst. It is killing me. I dislike this  feeling of ...well, feeling. These feelings are getting in the  way of being able to help friends with their emotional distress. Anywhoodle, can't just have a serious blog..that would be weird. Yesterday at work I told Sara to change the cheese. If any of you have changed  a bag of cheese, you know the process and how the mechanism that the cheese pours out of must clip into place at the front of the bay in the machine. Well, in order to get the mechanism to clip into place, Sara just  turned the spout mechanism...l

Picture Books, Canvas Prints, Brochures, Business Cards, Metal Prints.

Story #1 That was one of the nicest weeks off from work...talking about last week...definitely not this week. There are a few upsides to working at the Rink. First of all, I get to have a full week off from work  to help me settle into my school schedule and make sure I get everything down, class wise. Second best thing (totally being sarcastic) I can get high at work, and get pair for it.  At the end of last week, I was redoing the skating floor. After having the skating floor all  sanded down, it is time to put a fresh coat of varnish on the floor. It doesn't sound that bad yet. The only down fall to this is, there can be absolutely no ventilation in the building. Having any sort of air flow will blow dust onto the floor and could possible ruin the varnish. So...the skating floor of course is massive. It takes nearly 6 hours to roll the whole skating floor. Equation: (Jacob+massive skating floor+high grade varnish)6 hours = Incredibly high and excruciatin


That feeling you get when you don't see someone for a while and you  just can't stand it anymore that you FB stalk them for hours. Yep. Just had that moment. With a few people. Shoot dang, why do these people all have to live out of Pocatello. Of course, Natalie is my most FB stalked person ever. I am missing me some Natalie like nobodies business. Watched both videos, and looked at all our photos. November just can't come fast enough!!! As for the other people I am missing, gonna get me some money and make  some visits here real soon. Update: Still keeping the facial hair. And Still doing yoga nearly on a daily basis. I went up to Scout Mountain with the family yesterday. It was super delightful. Nice to see nature still exists.