I Wish It Were 525,600 Minutes Instead.

This semester is definitely going to be one full of trials, I can already feel it.
I made it 16 days into the semester before my first break down. 
I am gonna call it a win on my part. If I remember correctly,
last semester, I broke down after the first 6 days of class.
Success and progress have been made. 

AND even better, I have made it through this breakdown 
alone. I didn't drag some poor soul into my apartment 
to sit with me while I cry and pour out everything 
that is bothering me, how hard school is, how I cannot 
continue, that I might as well just drop out, work is really hard,
I don't get enough hours at work to pay my rent, I am gonna lose 
my apartment, etc. I just toughed it out on my own,
cried a little, and told myself I was being pathetic,
cried a little more, and now I am being super productive.
Down 3 quizzes, one exam, a paper and a blog. 

Maybe I should cry before attempting homework, I think
it may be the beginning of a new ritual or something.

Quick announcement:
It is official. Peanut Butter really does make everything better.
It really "helps fill in the cracks of the heart." 
I was browsing on Fbook, and a friend Nathan Krebs posted...
"Peanut Butter chocolate ice cream... You have such a way of making everything better."
That was completely on his own, no prompt from me. 
Either peanut butter is a universal theme tonight, or it is fact that
peanut butter makes everything better. 

Sometimes  I think I am so dashing and handsome that I just want to date myself.
Even when I dress like a woman, I still look cute :)
(C'mon, gotta give myself a little boost of self esteem) 
I just love the facial hair, it makes me just wanna kiss myself
and feel it all brush against my face, mMmmmhmmmmm! 

As for my weekend, it was kind of awesome.
I went out dancing, like usual, and I haven't let loose for a while.
It felt good to be considered attractive again. Grabbing people's attention
just be being present is wonderful. I made some friends that live in 
Denver and want me to go out with them when I go down 
for Thanksgiving Break...That may be a possibility. Who knows.

Although the weekend was great, Monday HAD to be a Monday.
What happened you might ask...My mother wanted to talk. 
We got into the Gay Rights discussion, and she had 
absolutely no clue about any of the Rights I didn't 
actually have. Marriage, adoption, donating
blood, no protection by law to hold a job,
keep my apartment. She didn't know any of that. 
I feel as if she doesn't really know me. It is hard to 
educate someone that doesn't want to know or talk about the
huge, rainbow unicorn in the room. 
Luckily Deleta provides me an out at the most convenient times.

Maybe more on that later...Not even gonna go into Boys right now.
Ugh, that in and of itself is another vomitocious topic. 

Until Next Time.   


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