Just Boil Things That Taste Good Together.

Today has been very productive, which is how my Sunday's
USED to pan out. It  feels good to be as productive as before,
if not more. Woke up for work, worked my little tush off,
did some studying, made Split Pea Soup, Homemade Dinner 
Rolls, and a cake with homemade chocolate frosting :)
Took 2 quizzes....both 100% of course, did some research
on the P.E.A.C.H. and wrote a paper about it with examples, 
references, instructions on how to administer it and 
how to score it. Shoot dang, I am on fire!

I also received a bit of news from 3 different people today. 
Some good, some not that good, but better than bad.
First, news that I DID forget to pay my rent this month, 
better news, I don't owe a late fee because I have been such 
a loyal tenant. Second, my mother admitted she was being 
ignorant when she cornered me and asked when I decided to 
stop trying to do the right thing...when in all reality, it was her
phraseology that was off and my interpretation was askew.
Third, a inevitable conversation with a good friend. 
"You will always have your own special place in my heart. 
You left an imprint in my life." 
As sad as that conversation made me and as much as I wanted
to just get upset and be a baby about it, I didn't. I accepted
it, and maybe in time our friendship will be renewed.

On a much more fun note, I went out to Denny's for my 
usual Grand Slamwich with Lakota and I won $0.04 
by completing the word find on the back of the paper place mat 
BEFORE the waitress brought the food out. 
Accomplished? Why yes, I do feel that way.

As for this weekend. Heh..heehhh, hehehehe! 
It was a fun weekend. Worked for 13 hours consecutively, 
and then went out to the Toga party at Charley's.
It was a good night.

Until Next Time.


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