
The week from Hell is over! This last week I have had 
4 quizzes, 2 exams, one paper and work of course. 
Not exactly sure how I made it through, but I did. I am ready
for a nice stiff drink for the weekend. Oh wait, I have to work.
Actually, now that I think about it...I know how I made it through 
my week. I began the week with this shirt...

...It is the shirt I bought last semester because I needed something
to cheer me up. I was about to take an exam I was totally unprepared for
and I bought the pink shirt, wore it for the test...and somehow came out
of that test with an A. WHAT? So now I wear it whenever
I feel like I am gonna fail a test. It is officially the lucky shirt of 
all my CSED classes. Yay. And can I just say that I look muy
caliente in this outfit? Shooooooot dang.

Okay, so what is happening in my life besides school and work?
Umm, nothing really. Just a ton of Will and Gracing it and baking.
Ohhh, the Hallway Lesbians invited me and my friend Mike to come 
over and bake them cookies, at like 2:00 AM last Friday night. THAT was fun.
This was also after painting my apartment, some wine, and a few bottles of
Mike's Hard Lemonades and Twisted Teas. So needless to say it was 
a really fun night. Lots of really Gayness. Running through sprinklers,
baking and great conversation, I would say it was a winning evening. 

Oh yeah, here is another school related photo :) 
Would you let me be your Audiologist?

Also, have you ever been to a point where you just want to give 
up on a situation, but just can't bring yourself to actually giving up?
Yeah, kinda there right now. It is really irritating cause I just want to 
stop caring about this situation, but when I focus on it, I am extremely 
happy. Meh, vague yes I know, but whatever :)

I dunno how many people know, but I am extremely obsessed with Mika and for
every other Mika lover would there, you would know that his most recent album 
"Origin Of Love" JUST came out on Monday!!!!!!
Obsessing to the alpha extreme right now! I am so in love. He needs to come 
tour in the US so I can meet him, woo him and get married to him.
I am over RJY right now, Mika is where it's at.

Ps, I LooooOOoooOOve Kaylee Dawn Flynn so much! Went out dancing
on Saturday night and she was there...yeah just gonna throw it out
there She is a Waaaay better dancer than Aaron Hall.
And my friend Mady Dahl...Supppper nice gal! One of the sweetest people I 
have even gotten to meet :) Love her so much as well!

Until Next Time :) 


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