If You Ever Wanna Be Bop Down Here.

I dunno how I got so lucky. Sitting in Hearing and Speech Sciences right after taking
a quiz about all the muscles of inspiration and expiration and some how
I aced it. I guess stressing over it so much last night and this morning actually
helped a lot. I can now tell you all about the origin, insertion, innervation and function
of the muscles of (in)expiration. Weird to think I actually kinda understand it.
But I still make the I'm-So-Stupid-I-Am-Never-Going-To-Understand Face...

It has been confirmed again that I love what I am going into. 
I have an independent study that I am doing this semester about hearing aids
and I L.O.V.E Love it!!! Today I got a shizz ton of different hearing aids :)

BTE's, ITC's, CIC's, RIC's, IIC's! 

Yay! I love all of this junk! They are so much fun to look at, break apart,
and just study. Got myself an awesome mold of an ear so I can practice
putting in and taking out the different types of hearing aids. Get to practice taking 
ear molds, ERHMAGERD!! I Love it all.

I just nerded out over hearing aids :) 

I had a lot of things to blog about that I was thinking about the other day,
but I completely forgot alll about what I wanted to say. Ugh,
hopefully I will be able to remember before this class is over!

OH, my bike was stolen again :( And I am having zero luck 
finding it again. I keep going passed the house that I found it last time,
and nothing. I am so determined to find it though. My eyes are peeled,
and I carry wire cutters, a 5/16 wrench and pair of pliers just in 
case I might happen to stumble upon it on campus or around the neighborhood.


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