I Am In Like With You.

I am really starting to dislike these outbursts of feeling I have been getting lately.
It is making for situations in my life really hard to deal with. 
I dunno why, but it is getting harder to block out what I am feeling. 
It used to be so easy. Why has it changed? Because I followed the advice of
Brene' Brown. Open yourself to people. Be vulnerable. Allow people to see
you are your best AND your worst. It is killing me. I dislike this 
feeling of ...well, feeling. These feelings are getting in the 
way of being able to help friends with their emotional distress.

Anywhoodle, can't just have a serious blog..that would be weird.
Yesterday at work I told Sara to change the cheese. If any of you have changed 
a bag of cheese, you know the process and how the mechanism that the cheese
pours out of must clip into place at the front of the bay in the machine.
Well, in order to get the mechanism to clip into place, Sara just 
turned the spout mechanism...logical right? If it isn't lined up, turn it until it is.
In doing this, the WHOLE mechanism broke, no, exploded and the 
cheese is shooting out of the bag and all over the counter.

 Cheese is everywhere
and mind you, extremely hot. What do we do? We scream, I cup my hands trying to catch
all the cheese, but what good will that do with the cheese pouring out of the bag?
Finally, I realize that I am basically doing nothing, and remove the bag.
Now what to do with all this cheese????......

We have nachos. Waste not, want not. We at Deleta never waste good cheese!

Until Next Time. 


  1. Hahaha. I remember the cheese thing happening all the time when I worked at the movie theatre! And that stuff is hot! I'm glad you found a way to clean it up in a useful/yummy way :)

    1. Ha right? We are very resourceful at the Deleta :) And everyone knows this boy can never refuse nachos!

  2. What a Hot Mess!!! I'm Mostly talking about the cheese ;) haha that is terrible and hilarious all at once :) And I totally get the whole being vulnerable thing... feelings suck. They can be great and miserable all at once. Yikes!

    1. Ha it was so terrible, but so satisfying at the same time :) As for being vulnerable...Imma punch someone soon. Then their face can be vulnerable to my fist! :D


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