Picture Books, Canvas Prints, Brochures, Business Cards, Metal Prints.

Story #1
That was one of the nicest weeks off from work...talking about last week...definitely not this week.
There are a few upsides to working at the Rink. First of all, I get to have a full week off from work 
to help me settle into my school schedule and make sure I get everything down, class wise.
Second best thing (totally being sarcastic) I can get high at work, and get pair for it. 
At the end of last week, I was redoing the skating floor. After having the skating floor all 
sanded down, it is time to put a fresh coat of varnish on the floor. It doesn't sound that bad yet.
The only down fall to this is, there can be absolutely no ventilation in the building.
Having any sort of air flow will blow dust onto the floor and could possible ruin the
varnish. So...the skating floor of course is massive. It takes nearly 6 hours to roll the whole skating
floor. Equation:

(Jacob+massive skating floor+high grade varnish)6 hours = Incredibly high and excruciating headache.  

I HATE the feeling of being high. Thank gods I am not into getting high, at all. It just makes me want 
to throw up. So mother, if you are reading this, be proud your baby doesn't do any drugs :)

Story #2
Wednesday, I came home from ISU to get some lunch between classes. Nice little lunch. Had
a white chicken chili over brown rice. Mmmm, most excellent. Well Christopher,
my fella friend, called...we chatted for a wee bit. Then he so rudely threatened me making me
go back to class. Whatever. Well I go to class, come out to get my bike and the tire is flat. 
I have to walk from ISU to back to my apartment to get my car so I can DRIVE to work...
mind you that I am already late for work because of class and now I am gonna be 
even MORE late because of the popped tire. 
And you know who's fault this is...Christopher's. If he hadn't practically forced me, verbally, to
go to class, I wouldn't have ran over the stupid thorn, which I found today. 
Oh and I had to go back to ISU after work, and get my bike so I could patch the tire 
making me VERY tired the next day...Just sayin'. Thanks Christopher.

Story #3
Remember how I am playing the whole "I'm an Audiology student" game?

Check it! I am official!!!! Hellz yeah! Although I look like a rapist in the photo, I am 
mighty proud of this little badge. I think I am gonna try to convince the Audiology director
to let me put my full name on the next one I get...
Cause I am THAT big of a deal now. 


  1. I vote we don't blame Christopher. Instead I vote we blame whoever planted the bush where the thorn came from who didn't obviously take proper care because the thorn was able to fall off and blow into the way of your tire. We could also find blame with the people who maintain the way you rode your bike because obviously if they had properly cleaned the road the thorn would not have been on your path. Then I vote we blame the tire company because obviously they needed to provide tires that wouldn't go flat just because of a thorn. Then there is the thorn we can blame for having the idea that it could somehow attach itself to your perfectly good tire for a ride to somewhere new. So obviously this isn't Christopher's fault at all the universe it to blame.:P

  2. A very cute Rapist though! I would totally get in your van any day of the week... or on your handle bars... you know, if you swung that way of course ;) oh and bribed me with candy

    1. Bahaha!!! Oh my gosh, I think I would pick you up anyway. You are just too darn cute and fun that I would rape you with funness and adventure. You know, I just made some apple crisps...will the work instead of candy..I do have vanilla ice cream as well.


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