One Fly In The Ointment.

Well today was the day. I finally turned on my heater. 
I am so disappointed in myself that I did not make it until
at least November. I even tried to tough it out by putting two
comforters in my duvae cover. Negative. I failed. 
I realized that I needed to actually turn it on when I was
eating some food today that was super hot and when
I opened my mouth to breathe I could see my breath.
Why did I insist on keeping my apartment so cold?
Because I dislike having to rely so much on something 
as simple as heat...I am the same way with electricity.
Old fashioned I guess. Conservation is the key.

Last night was a delightful evening. It was date night with 
Alexa and Lakota. I always love these nights we do, and I 
wish we would be able to keep them going regularly, but 
unfortunately we are all too busy with out own lives to actually
keep it scheduled every week. Hopefully we will be able to
actually hold these get togethers twice a month.
We carved pumpkins and had a delicious chili this time.

I finally shaved for the first time this Fall season. 
My face feel so weird and it is so cold. 
I do love the whole scruff look, but I 
do also really like the clean shaven look.
When I DO shave, my cute little dimples are exposed.
I could just kiss them all day and night. How adorable.
Just the other day at work, I had 3 kids tell me I was able
to pull off the scruff look. Ha ha It was funny because I 
never really thought that children notice or even think
about that kind of stuff. Well apparently they do :P

Tonight is Ladies Night :) Not at Mama's though.
We are going to Applebees this time and it is gonna 
be so delightful! I get to hang out with my gals.
Gonna be an interesting time, I finally am gonna introduce
them to the dude I have been interested in for a while.
Here goes :D

Any whoodle...

Until Next Time.


  1. We turned our heaters on too!!! :) just thought you should know :)


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