Are You Gonna Teach Me How To Be Straight.

Clarification on the last blerb...okay not the right word, a few side notes about the previous entry. Title is all thanks to Lakota Terrace. I actually do not remember what we were talking about, but it was so striking that I had to use it as the title.

Yes everyone, I have given in. I am a Justin Bieber fan. I love his music. It is legit. Okay okay, I do not really like him as a person, but I do like his music...I just have to remind myself that he probably does not write his own music, he just sings it. Thank you Aaron Hall for telling me it will be okay when I finally come out of the Justin Bieber closet. Rocked out to his music already 3 times this week... and it is only Monday.

High School Musical...I promise I do not have a crush on Zac Efron. I just like the music...okay that is a lie too...I just wanted to go back to a time where everything was happy....oh gosh there I go again lying like crazy. Okay, I LIKED THE MOVIE! Sheesh..All this confession crap is really hard.

Participating in Lent this year...weird. I dunno if I am really giving up anything..I am just being honest now. With everyone and everything. I am not going to try to cover anything up. Now this is not an invitation for anyone to drill me with questions now. Gaaaah DON'T GET ANY IDEAS!

Also, I may sorta be in like right now...YIKES.


  1. Seriously Jake, you make me giggle. I'm not sure what any of us are going to do if you are completely honest for Lent. Scary thought. Though I have to admit there were like three questions that ran through my mind that I would love to ask but I won't. Unless you catch me on a bad day... ;)

  2. It's ok... I liked High School musical too... lol


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