The Wet Look Is In.

I just love watching people. Today sitting at lunch was pretty humorous, well to me at least. Sitting in the Canoe Room at ISU there was this couple sitting there and the girl was failing epically. And IT WAS HILARIOUS! She got her boyfriend some lunch, which was sweet, but then he bites into his food and realizes that there are tomatoes...haha and he is allergic to tomatoes! Yes, failure number one. Then after numerous accounts of apologizing, she spills her drink on him! OMG how funny is that?! It gets all over his pants...and the nonstop apologizing begins again.

Now I am sitting next to a group of people freaking out about professors taking attendance. It is kind of pathetic. Obviously the dude is dominating and conversation and has valid arguments. The girl here is definitely a poor student and hates going to class.

Gosh what has my life come to? Sitting here eves dropping on peoples' conversations? It is sad, but super entertaining. And now I am blogging about it...Okay I have gotten boring. Everything was going up exponentially and now it has evened off...leveling...becoming stagnant.

OKAY!!! Major hottie walked in... wowzers. And this is where people watching pays off. Don't stare too long...he might see...dammit! Look away, but not too fast...pretend to wave to the person behind him. . . Ya that's right, make him feel dumb for thinking I was waving at him haha Sheesh that was super close. Okay, gotta be more nonchalant next time. Whoa! A whole table of hotties. Is this possible? Oh nope...He is there, bringing down the hottness average. And believe me, there is such a thing as a "hottness average."

Yes, there was real no point to this entry.


  1. Jake, I you're adorable, but you're weird. Also I'm not sure I like the hottness average thing...mostly cause I'm pretty sure you'd tell me it is lower where ever I am...evil stare. Also it isn't a sign of how boring you are to people watch but how calm and non-eventful the world around you is at the moment. Dork.


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