The Most Eligible Guy Seen.

Ugh, getting back to the gym. There is definitely a love hate relationship beginning to form with the gym. I love going because I feel so good afterwards, but I hate going because 1)it is clear the hell across town from where I am living and 2)that is when I look my ugliest. I mean I look much better when I first wake up in the morning. Bleeck. Necessary Evil. One day I will get the body I want. The one where I can go swimming in public and not have to hurry and get in the pool for fear of being seen. The body where if my shirt happens to come off I won't be in a dead panic to find the nearest fig leaf. I am sick of all this extra skin. I know, I know. Exfolliate, Shae butter, Dead Sea Bath Salts, Exfolliate, Vitamin E...Repeat. It just takes too long...but I shall be patient...2 months and if no improvement I am getting myself a damn tummy tuck.

One a completely different note, I have narrowed my in Likeness down. I have my eye on one guy and am determined to keep myself from nerding out more than I already have. Stay calm, NO jazz hands. Keep it under control. Everything is still fragile and remotely new. Feelings are out on the playing field, and so far the quarterback hasn't been sacked. Continue to stay afloat, no swimming. Wading in the shallow water is acceptable...must stay where I can touch. Fioelavinja!! :D :D :D :D :D :D

School is already proving more difficult now that break is over. Focusing is harder than ever. My mind in at least 7 different places at once. Divided Attention is a rotten gift. I have 13 papers to write by Friday. 10 of which go to make up for a missed exam... the things I do to get an A and stay on the Dean's List. Overachiever.

I have been getting myself into a lot of embarrassing sitations lately. All because of stupid texting. Everytime I am talking about Cedric to Lakota...I send the message TO Cedric. I should never text Lakota and Cedric at the same time. Too much embarrassment comes out of it. Although, it is all true and I does make it fun when he does know certain things :) Tonight was lovely, as are all other encounters with Cedric. And I think it is time to start showing him off...

Too much writing. End.


  1. are a very interesting duck...just saying.


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