
Showing posts from July, 2011

Only A Pen Pal Can Deal With Me.

For some reason I feel like I need to blog. I dunno what about. Not sure if there is a reason for the feeling, or if it is because I have been doing nothing all day. Facebook asks what is on my mind... The silly thing about Facebook is I can never really say what is ACTUALLY on my mind. Not for fear of people's reactions to what is on my mind, but for fear of exposing myself to everyone. Exposing the inner thoughts and feelings that I usually save for personal conversation or even thoughts that I can blog about. I know not every one of my friends reads my blog, so I feel safe expressing what I am actually feeling, well for the most part. What's on my mind: Last night I got to thinking. I was listening to a song by Adele, "Chasing Pavement" and the song has been racking my brain ever since I listened to it. Not just allowing the tune fill my head, but actually listened to the music, words, melody and all. That is definitely something I do not normally do. The Lyrics: I

Yes Frat Boys Are Hilarious!!!

Lately I have been on the biggest Love kick. I want Love so bad. Yes, I know I sound like every other single person out there. I know in my last post I said I was "absolutely content with my single status," and I am. It just so happens to be that all my favorite songs at the moment are the best songs that talk about Love. Gaaa! LOOK ALL THESE UP!!! They are amazing and make the heart ache so bad :) If It's Love- Train Marry Me- Train Oh, It Is Love- Hellogoodbye You Don't Know Me- Michael Buble That's All- Michael Buble You and I- Michael Buble I am love all these songs, oh so much. This is the kind of Love that I want. Love that is "spontaneous and caring. Like I come home from a long day and the second i'm thru the door i get swept off my feet into a spinning hug only to hit the couch and lay there holding each other till its time to eat." Or the love that says "i feel the need to see yo I should be the one that keeps you smiling

:0 BEER?

Newest, and willing to say, Biggest pet peeve...Parents at parades. I thought that children got obnoxious during a parade with all the "I want a Popsicle!!!" "Right here, right here, right here!!" and "*screams* POPSICLE!!" But I was so wrong. The worst thing is being chased down by a parent asking for a different color or for 5 popsicles. I just look at back them and say "I don't take orders, but you can have one." Or if I am really feeling like a jerk I will just tell them no, smile and skate away. Yesterday was the Pioneer Day Celebration, remind me what they even did? And of course we have to have a parade that costs $50.00 to enter a float. Deleta has always been in any parade and this year is no different. I love doing it! I have so much fun. Here is a quick rundown of how it all happens. 8:00 AM meet at Deleta. Wash the bus, pick up balloons, pick up 2,800 popsicles, arrive at Holt Arena around 8:50. Put banners on the Deleta Bus, then

Spinning Hug Only To Hit The Couch.

feeling a little adventurous tonight. after realizing i have spent 3 hours at mocha madness registering for classes and blogging, i decided i should probably get out of there and get back to my life...wait. oh my way home i was just about to walk into the tunnels by the underpass and this girl was staring me down, like muy hard. and somehow she knew my name...well duh it was stephanie lloyd, my friend. plans of returning to my life of and washing my wood floors changed and we went to Sumisu, the new local sushi bar. it was awesome! it was both our first time eating sushi so neither of us knew what we were doing or what we were ordering. we ended up ordering this roll called the tiny dancer roll and it was absolutely delicious. i was super skeptical about eating raw fish, or fish period but it was delightful. and our waiter wasn't bad looking either :) okay okay kinda got a little out of control and facebook stalked him already, he is a pole vaulter!! holy what? that is freaking awe

Your Kisses + Facial Hair.

Registered, Finally. I dunno what it is about this summer but I have a huge lack of motivation. No motivation to work, see people, do anything related to school, get my car fixed, no motivation. After a huge break down at the beginning of the semester, I decided to get BACK on the school train. I almost gave up and dropped out. I was convinced that I was never going to finish school and that my student loans were going to eat me alive. I got to the moment where I ended up hating what I was studying, mind you that I wasn't taking any classes towards my major, except Sign Language. The last semester was so hard I nearly cried every day because of how tough it was. I think back to just a few months ago and wonder how I even did it. I am not one for crying over school work but I remember 4 times where I could not handle the stress anymore and I would leave campus in tears. Crying over how hard Technical and Professional Writing was, how hard it was to create so many documents and do it

Haha You Crazy Kid.

Tonight's post is brought to you by The Pillars at Red Hill. I didn't want to be alone tonight, but I ended up being alone anyways. As a distraction of how lonely I am getting, I have been taking almost nightly hikes to the Pillars. Why the Pillars? Well because it is just far enough up that it gives a wonderful cardio workout, away from the city where you cannot hear any of the traffic or people down below, and just has a beautiful view of Pocatello, oh and for some reason being up there just takes all the worry in the world away from me. It is like I pass a certain elevation and I am not allowed to actually think. My mind goes blank and I can just stare off into the distance for hours. Luckily tonight I brought my laptop and I decided I would blog from on high. While I sit up here, there are two groups of people. 1. a fairly large group of guys, semi-douchy. 2. An obviously LDS boy and girl on a date..either the 2nd or 3rd date. Which brings me to something I have realized. I

Will It Say That You Will Be By My Side?

There are very few things that could had made today an even better day. I started today with a very early start. Did my usual Tuesday lawn mowing and I started to mow the man, Sean, that asked me to mow his lawn for $100.00. I have NEVER seen grass so tall. It was like walking into a back yard of grass as tall as a 3rd grader. Yes, grass 4 feet tall! It was slightly ridiculous. Instead of mowing a lawn in an hour and getting fast cash, it has taken me a total of 4 hours complete. I have learned the first rule in lawn mowing, ALWAYS look at a lawn before give OR accepting an offer. If I were to have come looked at the lawn before I would have asked for at least $150.00 including supplies, gas and bags. It took a total of 9 extra large lawn bags. And in each extra large lawn bag, I could dump the mower bag 5 time...ya that means I had to stop 45 times to empty the bag. All in all, it was worth the money. Now what to do with the money? Go shopping? Pay off my AE credit card? do maintenanc

I Just Got Lost On Wikipedia.

This month has been the craziest month by far. I didn't know that a person could feel so much at one time. July has allowed me to eat again. I went grocery shopping and I was actually able to get enough food to sustain life. I am being financially responsible for everything. Never thought that day would come, but I am paying for everything. No longer relying of anyone to pay for anything. It is all me. Adult. This month I have already met so many wonderful people. I am building up my friends again, after I committed social suicide. I have been brought back to life and realize that I can have friends that are true friends, non of the pretending garbage that I am used to. It is so weird to have people that SUPPORT me. Ha. Wow, never thought I would see the day that I could actually rely on people again. The other day was absolutely ridiculous. Lakota and I hiked up to the pillars just to get out and look over the city. Relax. Conversation soon became heated. Which, if you know either

Fook That 3D BS.

Week Two of Summer Hiking has been completed. I am off to a good start, hurray. Today I thought it would be fun to figure out how the heck to get to the "P" on the mountain side. Easier said than done. I turned a 1 hour hike into a 3 hour hike...all because I had no idea where I was going, just that I was on the right mountain range. After coming to the top of the mountain, ya know, by the radio towers, I realized I was probably too high up and I took a wrong turn somewhere along the trail. I passed 5 TV/Radio towers before I decided I should probably get off the top of the mountain and, I dunno, aim for the actual side of the mountain that the P is on. Hiking alone is dangerous for me, because I just keep walking and I think "Heck, I'll run into what I am looking for eventually." HA! That's definitely not the best philosophy to have, especially when hiking. I was a little shocked when I actually found the P. It isn't white. HA. It looks super white whe

Hobo With A Broken Leg, That Sucks.

Happy 4th of July ya'll. Independence Day is one of my very favorite holidays!! So much to celebrate and just everything to smile about and be thankful for. Thank you to all of our members of the Armed Forces. You make this holiday possible to continue year after year. Although it is my favorite holiday, it was a weird day. I didn't feel like it was a special day. I felt as if today was just an ordinary day where people just happened to be playing with fireworks. This year I didn't even purchase a single firework. Normally I go all out for this day. Spending hundreds of dollars, but not this year. Watching the fireworks was wonderful. It is a nice get away from all the evil in the world. I noticed that I have always been single on the 4th of July and this year was no different. I did really enjoy myself, but I wish I would have had something to watch fireworks with. Someone to cuddle with and admire the balls of fire as they light up the evening sky. Tonight I was told some