Hey It's Taco Tues...Monday.

It's been a very eventful day that's for sure.
Woke up at 8 this morning, nice change from sleeping in. Whenever I wake up early my day just 
feels like it goes on forever and I have all the time in the world. 

I decided I would bike out to Walmart and get a new speedometer for my
bike. Yay! And it works, really good. Wireless is the way to go. 
While in Walmart, I decided I wanted to develop some photos. 
That was the LONGEST hour of my life. I couldn't find anything to do to occupy my time
while waiting for the photos to develop. I am pretty sure the cameras caught me dancing in the isles.
At least I supplied someone with some entertainment.

After my bike trip, I decided I should repaint my coffee table. It was looking a little dull.
Needed some shiny added to it. Busted out the black paint and got to work.

Table is all finished now. It looks fantastic!! ZERO paint on the floor. I am muy proud of myself for that.

That all took nothing but 2 hours to do (including the bike trip), so what should I do now?
Put together a package for Natalie. I dunno why I have so much fun when I do 
projects for her. If I only had half the motivation for school as I do for making
stuff for Natalie, I would be AWESOME.

While doing all this I listened to the Wicked soundtrack 5 times. I have no life.
Oh well, I still have a few hours before I have to go to work. Maybe
I will start another project. 

OH! I filled all my photo frames. It's about time. Ha. And I 
accidentally blew up my microwave. Oops. 
I always forget that aluminum foil is still a metal and doesn't
mix well with microwaves. I guess it gives me an excuse to go 
small kitchen appliance shopping now. 
What does one do when a microwave catches on fire anyway? 
I just stood there and watched it burn cause I didn't know what to do.
I couldn't reach the plug and I sure as hell didn't want to touch the thing.
So my apartment now smells like burning paper and melted plastic.

Until Next Time. 


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