I Wanna Go Dancing At A Wedding.

I was looking through my photos on FB the other day and I came across this one...

It is PERFECT. This photo describes my whole family. 
We are so dysfunctional and extremely crazy. 
We are a mess of a family. So many problems and so many things wrong with us.
But I wouldn't change a single person in the family. 
We are all so unique in our own ways that it makes us perfect.

For those of you that don't know my family, lemme explain.

Natalie is fighting with Jordyn... Jeremy is whispering something to Jodryn to make her wanna not hold still...Corbin is in his own little world doing whatever he does...Amanda is watching Natalie struggle and laughing because she knows what it is like to raise a little girl...Kayleigh just watches....Tyler looking at something only God knows what...Hilairy and Jessica are obsessing over me because we are all so alike...Jeff is oblivious to what is going on...Jamaal hides his face because he hates taking photos... Ali is zoning out...Meagan is fighting with Ali trying to get her to look normal for the photo...Nick is distracted by Jordyn fighting with Natalie...Juni just is perfect....Mema is looking around trying to figure out what is going on cause she hears laughing and wants to be included in on the joke... Pepa is still holding his pose and telling my mom to turn around...and I am, of course, wearing a bright red shirt, drawing all the attention and focus towards myself...and the only one looking at the camera. 

The best part of this photo is none of this is staged. We are all being ourselves. I LOVE my family.


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