I Know You. Zimbobway? Yes. Comm 101? Yes.

"Your greatest memoies aren't always about where you are or what your doing.
Sometimes it's more about who shared that moment with you."

I couldn't agree more with that statement. These last few weeks I have had a lot of time 
to think about my life and how it has changed. Changed with respect to 
relationships either social or romantic, mindset, beliefs, opinions, physical differences,
personality, and personal growth either economically and emotionally.

In an off and on text conversation with a friend, we were discussing a bit of recent news 
that I have been given from a past relation and we were talking about my ablility to stay
strong and not just fold. (Of course you will have no clue what I am talking about
specifically unless you are in on the discussion, which you are going to get that
lucky today. Soon enough it will come out in another posting, but not in this post.)
He, my friend, made a statement that He liked me best, as a person, as Fall 2010 Jacob. 
What is the difference between Fall 2010 Jacob and Summer 2012 Jacob? 
I would appreciate an answer if you have one. Help me along with this question.
He was unable to give me a satisfying answer, maybe one of you can.

In comparing myself from then and Now, I have come up with this....accurate?

Romantic Relationship
Social Relationship
Spiritual Beliefs
Physical Differences
Romantic relationship with Jeffrey was alive and fed emotionally, physically and intellectually.
Copious amounts of friends with friendships that seemed as if they would last forever.
Do good and everything will fall into place as needed.
There is a   higher being or greater power out there.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I would like to hear them.
9% Body fat
Spontaneous, optimistic, simply happy, vulnerable, charismatic, caring, Go getter attitude.
Single. Currently starved for emotional and intellectual satisfaction.
In the process of repairing damaged and frail relationships.
Just stay out of debt and do what you need to get what you want.
There may be a higher something out there, but what?
People have an opinion other than mine?
13% Body fat
Dark humored, resentful, honest, Gated, Anxiety inflicted.

What happened to make me so different from what I was before and what I am now?
On the happiness scale, I feel as if I have decreased significantly.
What causes One to lose happiness?
I seem to get myself stuck in a rut, suggestions on how to propel myself forward?

IT seems like I have veered off of what I originally wanted to talk about, big shocker.
Let's tie this somehow together. My greatest memories are not within the 
place it happened or what was happeneing, but who I was able to share
such memoies with the people present. I was looking at photos tonight and they 
just brought back the greatest memories.
How does the tie into the whole Fall 2010 Jacob?
Well these photos were from that year. All my best memories took place 
in 2012. My happiness level was at and all-time high, and my memories from that
time are priceless. How do I get back to such a level of happiness?

Until Next Time


  1. Well, for what it's worth, I think "Fall 2010 Jacob" is still in there, in fact, maybe he only existed for a short while. We all go through constant phases and changes. We change, and grow as people every single day, so it's only natural that you're a completely different person. As for the happiness.. You've got to decide what makes you happy. If you find yourself stuck in a rut of unhappiness, then find things, or do things that you know make you happy. Surround yourself with good company, chat with a friend, (I'm Always up for a good, intellectual, and emotional chat ;)) .. As for romance-- Just hang in there. Someone will come along that will just sweep you off your feet, and you'll wonder how you could ever be more happy. :) And to quote my favorite book/upcoming movie -- "We accept the love we think we deserve." -- And YOU sir, deserve the world.


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