Buttons On Your Levis.

honeSt miStakeS happen right? well i definitely think So. i waS out Shopping at the only Store open at 2 in the morning, walmart of courSe, and i decided i needed to get Some more underShirtS, Specifically tankS. moSey on over to the men'S Section and Skim the productS. pick out a package of SmallS. get the buy-five-get-one-free package, thinking i am actually getting a deal. come home throw the package of 6, not 5, but 6 tankS in my closet and paSS out. morning comeS, i go through out my day. experience my manic Stage, decide i Should leave my apartment to Save mySelf. muSt Shower. get out of Shower, dance around naked for a couple SongS, then get clotheS on. well i put on one of my new tankS and thiS iS what i experience...

karma StrikeS again! it iS what i get for putting condomS in random people'S cart aS i walk paSt. Someone placed a package of boyS Small tankS in the adultS Small tankS Section. i Should have liStened to jeffrey when he Said never pick the firSt thing on the Shelf. after ripping the package all apart trying to retrieve the tankS, i have the thought of "oh i will juSt take them back" wait i can't becauSe the bag is totally ripped to pieceS. well karma, thiS iS me laughing in your face. i am going to Still wear them. ha. look who haS the laSt laugh. me.

oh ya, i may have been working out lately. juSt Saying.


  1. Has Margaret finally departed to regions unknown? ;P

  2. No, she is as present as ever...it is silly I am dropping weight, but she continues to grow.


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