Hey Hunk Text Me.

4th grade, 1999, was the year I was introduced to the magical and mysterious world of Harry Potter. Mrs. Clark would read to the class for 20 minutes every Friday right after lunch as we finished any homework we had. Most of the time I was unable to focus long enough to complete or even make a dent in the homework I had accumulated. I was far too entranced with the story of The Boy Who Lived. I was instantly hooked.

I admire J.K. Rowling's writing style. It is extremely vivid. Details like no other book out there. Harry Potter taught me more about love, family, friends, sacrifice, struggle, death, loss, pain, real happiness and courage than the public school system or my social life ever did. Growing up, all my friends shared the same values, the values taught to us by Harry and his friends. It is as if we grew up together, we actual friends.

The movie is one of the best. At first I was furious with how one particular scene was done, but now that I have reread the book, and watched the movie again, I appreciate how J.K. Rowling and the director of the film portrayed that scene (I don't want to give away what happens if you haven't seen the movie or read the books). It was nice growing up, using my imagination to create the characters, but it has been a blessing to see the story through someone else's eyes. David Yates, you done good.

The first time watching the movie was for pure joy. I cried a little here and a little there. But, after watching it a second time and paying more attention to everything happening, I was sucked in emotionally, even more. I bawled. My eyes hurt after the film was over. It hit me then that there won't be anymore. It became like a yearly holiday, waiting for the next Harry Potter movie to be made. And it's kind of strange that there won't be anymore to look forward to. But they had to end; that is one reason why the whole story is so wonderful. It ends. The story continues, but we don't need to know what happens, it isn't our business how Ron and Hermione, and Harry and Jenny spend their lives.

Good job J.K. Rowling. This film gets two thumbs up. Your series, five gold stars. Life lessons that will be taught to my children, for sure.


  1. I think I want to cry...you were in fourth grade in 1999...I was graduating high school. I'm soooo old. otherwise, you're right they are a very good set of books and the movies are good as well. People never believe me when I say it but I don't really compare the two. I think of them a separate items. Have to because I've seen so many movies based on books I'd go crazy comparing them all the time. But anyway did you know that if you hang by your toes on the power line your hair sticks straight out?

  2. I cried my eyes out during the movie as well I was so sucked in to it Josh had to keep checking on me to make sure I was still breathing because I was so into it. Ha ha


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