Yeah He's Pretty Hunky.

Here I am sitting at ISU in the Student Union dreading going into the book store to see how much all my books are going to be this semester. Thank you baby Jesus for Gina Pretzer. She is definitely a money saver for me. Every semester she asks me what classes I am taking and then tells me "Oh I have that book! You can borrow it." I dunno how I could survive without this girl in my life. She is honestly such a blessing to me.

I am terrified for the upcoming semester. I dunno how I am going to get through it. I hope that it will be nothing like last semester. I cried so many times last semester over the dumbest things. I got so frustrated that the only way to relieve my frustration was to cry. I resolve to not cry but handle the stress in a more Gay way... just workout. Ha. In no time, I will have washboard abs, pecks that can crack nuts (Edible nuts ya know, peanuts, cashews, almonds...etc.), biceps that only Germans and Russians have, not to mention buns of steel. Ha. Jusss kiddin ya'll. Too much muscley is gross.

Although I am starting a vegetarian diet again. Surprisingly it is not that hard to do. I don't eat red meat, chicken is only occasional, it is the tuna that is gonna kill me. It is probably a good thing that I lay off the tuna anyways. I eat tuna once a day...not sure if that is good...I mean it does have mercury in it...death by mercury poising...through tuna. What a story that will be. I will be the cause of the Crash of the Tuna Market.

Wow...I am sitting at least 25 yards from the ATM and I can hear every button some dude is pushing. People are gonna go Deaf because of how loud the ATM is. Sheesh, another interesting new headline...Man Goes Deaf At ATM, Credit Union To Pay Out.

It is kind of amazing, I have been sitting here for about 20 minutes and I have YET to see a single person I know. I am muy surprised. Normally I see at least one or two people I know when I am on campus. Dang...maybe I have been staying in my apartment too much lately. I should get out and make some friends again. Be a little more sociable.


  1. Question isn't vegetarian and meatless proposition? You know fruits, veggies, tofu, grains, etc? I'm pretty sure chickens, and tuna fishes come from sources outside the before mentioned food categories or have I been missing the chicken tree? If so can you tell me where I can buy one?

  2. Ha! Oh Gosh Mady only you. Yes a vegetarian diet is meatless, and I am now doing that. I have given up the chicken tree and the tuna. Good thing for protein shakes :)

  3. I love you Jacob Diller! And, you could always be a pescetarian ( way you wouldn't have to give up your tuna.


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