Cop!.....Ok, I'm Good

I am so addicted to Egg Salad Sandwiches. I dunno how healthy that is because they are made of eggs, mayo, mustard, and a few special item, but I can't tell you because then just ANYONE could make them as delicious as I do. BUT I mean I DO use LOW FAT Miracle that counts for something right? And I DO use whole wheat bread instead of white bread. I just hope that my addiction will not do great damage. There is just something about these sandwiches that complete me. They have the perfect amount of zangy flavor.

They might taste so good because I remember them tasting so amazing when I was a child. It could be one of those things where I remember it being so awesome years and years ago that when I have them now, I don't actually taste it, I just assume they taste just as good as my kinder years. Ha, oh great, I am crazy. I am putting sentimental value in a sandwich. No I am not crazy, they literally are THAT wonderful.

I think it is time to cut up my American Eagle credit card. Every time I get close to paying it off, I snap and have to charge up the wazoo again...*swipe* That is the one think I HATE about credit cards, it literally takes seconds to apply hundreds of dollars to it, but take months to pay it off...*swipe*. Sheesh. Good buy next paycheck. I thought I had a good plan set. ONLY buy clothes WITH the money I make from AE, but I don't make enough to buy all the clothes I want..*swipe*. Ga. And then I get in the mood where I WANT and feel like I NEED to buy someone a gift...*swipe*.


  1. Oh Jake, Jake, I burst your bubble about being healthier or not...I think not. I'll let you continue to think "light" is healthier. Because in some ways it calories. And besides if you really enjoy them that's just about moderation in all things...I'm working on that Remember to feed the Gurdyroot!

  2. So I love egg salad sandwiches and mine is because of a childhood memory too. I always remember them being really colorful because our color from dying the eggs would soak through at easter... which now that I think of it probably wasn't good that it soaked through so much. But they are so yummy!!

  3. I just had an egg salad sandwich for dinner! I like to add bacon bits to mine (real bacon, not that fake crap).


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