Two Allophones Of The Phoneme /p/.

The first week of classes if finally over. Week two begins. I think I can handle this semester. I still have yet to get my head into studying again, but it will happen eventually. I know it's an awful way to think about it, but I would rather tell myself the truth instead of lie and tell myself that I will just dive right on in and study every day.

I have done more than I thought though. I made flash cards for my Clinical Phonetics And Phonology class. Basically I am ahead in that class. I think tomorrow I will take out my planner and write in all the quizzes, then I'll write in all my assignments, and I could even write in what I should have read for each class and each day...okay wow I am getting ahead of myself. Baby steps. Let's just start with attending all classes. Deal. I can do that.

The daily gym routine is back in order, well except for today...let's just say it has been a hectic morning. . . well hectic Saturday, Sunday and now Monday morning. Saturday I went to Boise for my sister's Figure Competition :) She did AMAZING! Kudos. Then after the competition, shopping commenced. I now have a black pair of TOMS along with a red pair, blue pair, and a white pair. At least I am giving 4 children who needs shoes, shoes. Okay so the hectic part, I wanted to go to Idaho Falls like SUPER I was searching for a way to get home early from Boise. Thank gods, Tyler and Hillairy left early, allowing me to get home by 7 PM. Half way home I realize that I forgot my keys in my sister Meagan's my purse...with my phone charger. Stage one, break into Mema's house to get my spare car key. Get my car, track down Lakota to get my spare key for my apartment, then make it home to get some clothes to change into and get to Idaho Falls, before it is too late. I was hoping to get out of Pocatello by 7:30, when I wasn't actually able to get out till 8:30 guessed it, family from Kansas ended up being at Mema's house. How lucky, right? A short 5 minute visit turned into playing Host for an hour. Gaaaa!

Eventually I get out of town and back to Idaho Falls. Huzzah, victory is mine. After a very crazy and unplanned evening, it is time to say goodbye, again. This time I didn't cry until I got out of the city limits :) Haha, I am getting better and keeping myself together.


  1. You have the best blog EVARR. Seriously. You could write about anything and make it fun and interesting to read. Glad to hear you had fun in Boise! I miss my home!

  2. 10 points if you know both allophones of /p/ :) I loved that class! Way to stay on top of things!


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