Jacob. You're Making Me Crazy.

Okay, I am a reasonable guy right? I have been really great at staying calm in all situations lately. I don't actually remember the last time I got mad. Well today was definitely one of those days. Work.

Working with 3 other employees today. One employee up in Laser Tag, another employee in the sound booth, where I was. I was there because I was playing a song off MY laptop. The other employee in the sound booth was there because..well he was the floor guard and he controls the music. Which leaves one last employee. If I am not mistaken, it is common knowledge that you don't leave the front door wide open without having an employee at least within eyesight. ALL our employees know this. There is ALWAYS supposed to be someone at the front watching the door. Next thing I know, there are three employees in the sound booth...wait. Who is watching the door? I ask the employee scheduled to work the front counter to please go back and watch the door, this song is almost over and I will be back in a minute. Reasonable?

OBVIOUSLY, I was asking too much of my employee to do their JOB. This person remained in the sound booth. . . . Okay I, so much for keeping their identity a secret. I just wanted to look at her and simply say, "For such a small girl you sure do have a lot of Black woman attitude in you." Instead of tell her, "You either have the option of going to the skate counter or clocking out and don't come back for the session tonight." She obviously understood what I was saying, and rolled her eyes and walked off.

Then at the later session, she continues to tell me that she doesn't appreciate how rude I was in the earlier session.

Your opinion? Was I out of line for giving her the choice of doing as I asked or going home? Was my request unreasonable?


  1. Ah my dear Jake, of course your request was unreasonable. I mean after all why should she have to actually do work to get paid? Honestly, Everyone else was somewhere else doing their jobs so why couldn't she just slack off and do nothing? You mean mean monster you, actually being the boss. What every were you thinking? :)


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